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预览 MS5510模数转换器可Pin to Pin兼容TLC5510 attach_img eefocus_3860936 2023-12-18 01389 eefocus_3860936 2023-12-18 16:19
预览 MS9943/4信号处理器可Pin to Pin兼容AD9943/AD9944 attach_img eefocus_3860936 2023-12-15 0941 eefocus_3860936 2023-12-15 15:15
预览 MS8091/2运算放大器可Pin to Pin兼容AD8091/2 attach_img eefocus_3860936 2023-12-7 01140 eefocus_3860936 2023-12-7 17:09
预览 MS8051运算放大器可Pin to Pin兼容AD8051/AD8052/AD8054 attach_img eefocus_3860936 2023-12-6 01256 eefocus_3860936 2023-12-6 14:42
预览 MS85163实时时钟/日历可Pin to Pin兼容PCF8563 attach_img eefocus_3860936 2023-12-4 0973 eefocus_3860936 2023-12-4 16:15
预览 STM32数控电源 同步BUCK谁在电路城购买了 酷酷智能板 2022-8-30 43356 eefocus_3944574 2023-10-29 13:34
预览 Telink B9518开发实战① 新人帖 attach_img eefocus_3848864 2023-10-15 01092 eefocus_3848864 2023-10-15 15:59
预览 MYD-YF135开发环境搭建1 attach_img meiyao 2023-10-15 01345 meiyao 2023-10-15 15:02
预览 DS2480B(亚德诺)替代料有哪些 新人帖 eefocus_3891064 2023-9-13 0880 eefocus_3891064 2023-9-13 10:12
预览 5点搞透电阻选型 attach_img timbok 2023-7-27 02047 timbok 2023-7-27 14:51
预览 印制电路板中常用标准有哪些? attach_img eefocus_3874152 2023-7-25 02497 eefocus_3874152 2023-7-25 11:31
预览 Buck电路的原理及器件选型指南 attach_img timbok 2023-7-13 13107 eefocus_3934416 2023-7-18 14:28
预览 PCB板为什么要做树脂塞孔? attach_img eefocus_3874152 2023-7-10 02476 eefocus_3874152 2023-7-10 11:52
预览 基于STM32的300W无刷直流电机驱动方案 attach_img timbok 2023-7-6 02149 timbok 2023-7-6 14:50
预览 手把手教你如何做手机PCB电磁兼容性设计 attach_img eefocus_3874152 2023-7-5 02225 eefocus_3874152 2023-7-5 14:14
预览 ​阻抗计算,真的没有那么难! attach_img eefocus_3874152 2023-7-3 01842 eefocus_3874152 2023-7-3 14:55
预览 mems电容传感器电路 attach_img ?_7c8d5a 2023-6-29 01915 ?_7c8d5a 2023-6-29 21:02
预览 一次搞懂线性稳压器/LDO的工作原理 attach_img timbok 2023-6-29 02515 timbok 2023-6-29 13:54
预览 MEMS电容传感器电路 新人帖 attachment ?_7c8d5a 2023-6-29 01772 ?_7c8d5a 2023-6-29 10:04
预览 一文搞定PCB元器件的布局布线 attach_img eefocus_3874152 2023-6-28 02048 eefocus_3874152 2023-6-28 11:36
预览 蛇形走线用在哪里,一文告诉你 eefocus_3874152 2023-3-22 01684 eefocus_3874152 2023-6-24 10:16
预览 PCB为什么常用50Ω阻抗?6大原因 eefocus_3874152 2023-4-11 02028 eefocus_3874152 2023-6-24 09:54
预览 啥?PCB拼版对SMT组装有影响! attach_img eefocus_3874152 2023-6-13 01249 eefocus_3874152 2023-6-13 11:43
预览 MOS管基础知识:轻松理解MOS管工作原理 cdebyte 2023-6-13 0747 cdebyte 2023-6-13 09:47
预览 电路板电镀中4种特殊的电镀方法 attach_img eefocus_3874152 2023-6-12 01790 eefocus_3874152 2023-6-12 13:46
预览 【Silicon Labs xG24-EK2703A 套件】-3-Network Analyzer attach_img SensorYoung 2023-6-10 01323 SensorYoung 2023-6-10 14:45
预览 苹果MR Vision Pro将会带动哪些零部件出货? attach_img timbok 2023-6-8 01763 timbok 2023-6-8 13:52
预览 PCB板的Mark点设计对SMT重要性 attach_img eefocus_3874152 2023-6-7 01770 eefocus_3874152 2023-6-7 14:55
预览 轻松掌握,板对板连接器选型指南 attach_img timbok 2023-6-1 02078 timbok 2023-6-1 15:50
预览 MicroLab调试工具给我惊喜,真的震撼到我了。 新人帖 attach_img eefocus_3819898 2023-6-1 0821 eefocus_3819898 2023-6-1 13:48
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