本篇测评由电子工程世界的优秀测评者“jf_99374259”提供。 本文将介绍基于米尔电子MYD-YT113i开发板的G2D图像处理硬件调用和测试。
MYC-YT113i核心板及开发板 真正的国产核心板,100%国产物料认证 外置DDR3接口、支持视频编解码器、HiFi4 DSP 接口丰富:视频采集接口、显示器接口、USB2.0 接口、CAN 接口、千兆以太网接口 工业级:-40℃~+85℃、尺寸37mm*39mm 邮票孔+LGA,140+50PIN
全志 T113-i 2D图形加速硬件支持情况Supports layer size up to 2048 x 2048 pixels Supports pre-multiply alpha image data Supports color key Supports two pipes Porter-Duff alpha blending Supports multiple video formats 4:2:0, 4:2:2, 4:1:1 and multiple pixel formats (8/16/24/32 bits graphics
layer) Supports memory scan order option Supports any format convert function Supports 1/16× to 32× resize ratio Supports 32-phase 8-tap horizontal anti-alias filter and 32-phase 4-tap vertical anti-alias filter Supports window clip Supports FillRectangle, BitBlit, StretchBlit and MaskBlit Supports horizontal and vertical flip, clockwise 0/90/180/270 degree rotate for normal buffer Supports horizontal flip, clockwise 0/90/270 degree rotate for LBC buffer
可以看到 g2d 硬件支持相当多的2D图像处理,包括颜色空间转换,分辨率缩放,图层叠加,旋转等
除了工具链外,我们使用 opencv-mobile 加载输入图片和保存结果,用来查看颜色转换是否正常g2d硬件直接采用标准的 Linux ioctl 操纵,只需要引入相关结构体定义即可,无需链接so
此外,g2d的输入和输出数据必须在dmaion buffer上,因此还需要dmaion.h头文件,用来分配和释放dmaion buffer
基于C语言实现的YUV转RGB这里复用之前T113-i JPG解码的函数 - void yuv420sp2rgb(const unsigned char* yuv420sp, int w, int h, unsigned char* rgb)
- {
- const unsigned char* yptr = yuv420sp;
- const unsigned char* vuptr = yuv420sp + w * h;
- for (int y = 0; y < h; y += 2)
- {
- const unsigned char* yptr0 = yptr;
- const unsigned char* yptr1 = yptr + w;
- unsigned char* rgb0 = rgb;
- unsigned char* rgb1 = rgb + w * 3;
- int remain = w;
- #define SATURATE_CAST_UCHAR(X) (unsigned char)::std::min(::std::max((int)(X), 0), 255);
- for (; remain > 0; remain -= 2)
- {
- // R = 1.164 * yy + 1.596 * vv
- // G = 1.164 * yy - 0.813 * vv - 0.391 * uu
- // B = 1.164 * yy + 2.018 * uu
- // R = Y + (1.370705 * (V-128))
- // G = Y - (0.698001 * (V-128)) - (0.337633 * (U-128))
- // B = Y + (1.732446 * (U-128))
- // R = ((Y << 6) + 87.72512 * (V-128)) >> 6
- // G = ((Y << 6) - 44.672064 * (V-128) - 21.608512 * (U-128)) >> 6
- // B = ((Y << 6) + 110.876544 * (U-128)) >> 6
- // R = ((Y << 6) + 90 * (V-128)) >> 6
- // G = ((Y << 6) - 46 * (V-128) - 22 * (U-128)) >> 6
- // B = ((Y << 6) + 113 * (U-128)) >> 6
- // R = (yy + 90 * vv) >> 6
- // G = (yy - 46 * vv - 22 * uu) >> 6
- // B = (yy + 113 * uu) >> 6
- int v = vuptr[0] - 128;
- int u = vuptr[1] - 128;
- int ruv = 90 * v;
- int guv = -46 * v + -22 * u;
- int buv = 113 * u;
- int y00 = yptr0[0] << 6;
- rgb0[0] = SATURATE_CAST_UCHAR((y00 + ruv) >> 6);
- rgb0[1] = SATURATE_CAST_UCHAR((y00 + guv) >> 6);
- rgb0[2] = SATURATE_CAST_UCHAR((y00 + buv) >> 6);
- int y01 = yptr0[1] << 6;
- rgb0[3] = SATURATE_CAST_UCHAR((y01 + ruv) >> 6);
- rgb0[4] = SATURATE_CAST_UCHAR((y01 + guv) >> 6);
- rgb0[5] = SATURATE_CAST_UCHAR((y01 + buv) >> 6);
- int y10 = yptr1[0] << 6;
- rgb1[0] = SATURATE_CAST_UCHAR((y10 + ruv) >> 6);
- rgb1[1] = SATURATE_CAST_UCHAR((y10 + guv) >> 6);
- rgb1[2] = SATURATE_CAST_UCHAR((y10 + buv) >> 6);
- int y11 = yptr1[1] << 6;
- rgb1[3] = SATURATE_CAST_UCHAR((y11 + ruv) >> 6);
- rgb1[4] = SATURATE_CAST_UCHAR((y11 + guv) >> 6);
- rgb1[5] = SATURATE_CAST_UCHAR((y11 + buv) >> 6);
- yptr0 += 2;
- yptr1 += 2;
- vuptr += 2;
- rgb0 += 6;
- rgb1 += 6;
- }
- yptr += 2 * w;
- rgb += 2 * 3 * w;
- }
- }
基于ARM neon指令集优化的YUV转RGB考虑到armv7编译器的自动neon优化能力较差,这里针对性的编写 arm neon inline assembly 实现YUV2RGB内核部分,达到最优化的性能,榨干cpu性能 - void yuv420sp2rgb_neon(const unsigned char* yuv420sp, int w, int h, unsigned char* rgb)
- {
- const unsigned char* yptr = yuv420sp;
- const unsigned char* vuptr = yuv420sp + w * h;
- #if __ARM_NEON
- uint8x8_t _v128 = vdup_n_u8(128);
- int8x8_t _v90 = vdup_n_s8(90);
- int8x8_t _v46 = vdup_n_s8(46);
- int8x8_t _v22 = vdup_n_s8(22);
- int8x8_t _v113 = vdup_n_s8(113);
- #endif // __ARM_NEON
- for (int y = 0; y < h; y += 2)
- {
- const unsigned char* yptr0 = yptr;
- const unsigned char* yptr1 = yptr + w;
- unsigned char* rgb0 = rgb;
- unsigned char* rgb1 = rgb + w * 3;
- #if __ARM_NEON
- int nn = w >> 3;
- int remain = w - (nn << 3);
- #else
- int remain = w;
- #endif // __ARM_NEON
- #if __ARM_NEON
- #if __aarch64__
- for (; nn > 0; nn--)
- {
- int16x8_t _yy0 = vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vshll_n_u8(vld1_u8(yptr0), 6));
- int16x8_t _yy1 = vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vshll_n_u8(vld1_u8(yptr1), 6));
- int8x8_t _vvuu = vreinterpret_s8_u8(vsub_u8(vld1_u8(vuptr), _v128));
- int8x8x2_t _vvvvuuuu = vtrn_s8(_vvuu, _vvuu);
- int8x8_t _vv = _vvvvuuuu.val[0];
- int8x8_t _uu = _vvvvuuuu.val[1];
- int16x8_t _r0 = vmlal_s8(_yy0, _vv, _v90);
- int16x8_t _g0 = vmlsl_s8(_yy0, _vv, _v46);
- _g0 = vmlsl_s8(_g0, _uu, _v22);
- int16x8_t _b0 = vmlal_s8(_yy0, _uu, _v113);
- int16x8_t _r1 = vmlal_s8(_yy1, _vv, _v90);
- int16x8_t _g1 = vmlsl_s8(_yy1, _vv, _v46);
- _g1 = vmlsl_s8(_g1, _uu, _v22);
- int16x8_t _b1 = vmlal_s8(_yy1, _uu, _v113);
- uint8x8x3_t _rgb0;
- _rgb0.val[0] = vqshrun_n_s16(_r0, 6);
- _rgb0.val[1] = vqshrun_n_s16(_g0, 6);
- _rgb0.val[2] = vqshrun_n_s16(_b0, 6);
- uint8x8x3_t _rgb1;
- _rgb1.val[0] = vqshrun_n_s16(_r1, 6);
- _rgb1.val[1] = vqshrun_n_s16(_g1, 6);
- _rgb1.val[2] = vqshrun_n_s16(_b1, 6);
- vst3_u8(rgb0, _rgb0);
- vst3_u8(rgb1, _rgb1);
- yptr0 += 8;
- yptr1 += 8;
- vuptr += 8;
- rgb0 += 24;
- rgb1 += 24;
- }
- #else
- if (nn > 0)
- {
- asm volatile(
- "0: n"
- "pld [%3, #128] n"
- "vld1.u8 {d2}, [%3]! n"
- "vsub.s8 d2, d2, %12 n"
- "pld [%1, #128] n"
- "vld1.u8 {d0}, [%1]! n"
- "pld [%2, #128] n"
- "vld1.u8 {d1}, [%2]! n"
- "vshll.u8 q2, d0, #6 n"
- "vorr d3, d2, d2 n"
- "vshll.u8 q3, d1, #6 n"
- "vorr q9, q2, q2 n"
- "vtrn.s8 d2, d3 n"
- "vorr q11, q3, q3 n"
- "vmlsl.s8 q9, d2, %14 n"
- "vorr q8, q2, q2 n"
- "vmlsl.s8 q11, d2, %14 n"
- "vorr q10, q3, q3 n"
- "vmlal.s8 q8, d2, %13 n"
- "vmlal.s8 q2, d3, %16 n"
- "vmlal.s8 q10, d2, %13 n"
- "vmlsl.s8 q9, d3, %15 n"
- "vmlal.s8 q3, d3, %16 n"
- "vmlsl.s8 q11, d3, %15 n"
- "vqshrun.s16 d24, q8, #6 n"
- "vqshrun.s16 d26, q2, #6 n"
- "vqshrun.s16 d4, q10, #6 n"
- "vqshrun.s16 d25, q9, #6 n"
- "vqshrun.s16 d6, q3, #6 n"
- "vqshrun.s16 d5, q11, #6 n"
- "subs %0, #1 n"
- "vst3.u8 {d24-d26}, [%4]! n"
- "vst3.u8 {d4-d6}, [%5]! n"
- "bne 0b n"
- : "=r"(nn), // %0
- "=r"(yptr0), // %1
- "=r"(yptr1), // %2
- "=r"(vuptr), // %3
- "=r"(rgb0), // %4
- "=r"(rgb1) // %5
- : "0"(nn),
- "1"(yptr0),
- "2"(yptr1),
- "3"(vuptr),
- "4"(rgb0),
- "5"(rgb1),
- "w"(_v128), // %12
- "w"(_v90), // %13
- "w"(_v46), // %14
- "w"(_v22), // %15
- "w"(_v113) // %16
- : "cc", "memory", "q0", "q1", "q2", "q3", "q8", "q9", "q10", "q11", "q12", "d26");
- }
- #endif // __aarch64__
- #endif // __ARM_NEON
- #define SATURATE_CAST_UCHAR(X) (unsigned char)::std::min(::std::max((int)(X), 0), 255);
- for (; remain > 0; remain -= 2)
- {
- // R = 1.164 * yy + 1.596 * vv
- // G = 1.164 * yy - 0.813 * vv - 0.391 * uu
- // B = 1.164 * yy + 2.018 * uu
- // R = Y + (1.370705 * (V-128))
- // G = Y - (0.698001 * (V-128)) - (0.337633 * (U-128))
- // B = Y + (1.732446 * (U-128))
- // R = ((Y << 6) + 87.72512 * (V-128)) >> 6
- // G = ((Y << 6) - 44.672064 * (V-128) - 21.608512 * (U-128)) >> 6
- // B = ((Y << 6) + 110.876544 * (U-128)) >> 6
- // R = ((Y << 6) + 90 * (V-128)) >> 6
- // G = ((Y << 6) - 46 * (V-128) - 22 * (U-128)) >> 6
- // B = ((Y << 6) + 113 * (U-128)) >> 6
- // R = (yy + 90 * vv) >> 6
- // G = (yy - 46 * vv - 22 * uu) >> 6
- // B = (yy + 113 * uu) >> 6
- int v = vuptr[0] - 128;
- int u = vuptr[1] - 128;
- int ruv = 90 * v;
- int guv = -46 * v + -22 * u;
- int buv = 113 * u;
- int y00 = yptr0[0] << 6;
- rgb0[0] = SATURATE_CAST_UCHAR((y00 + ruv) >> 6);
- rgb0[1] = SATURATE_CAST_UCHAR((y00 + guv) >> 6);
- rgb0[2] = SATURATE_CAST_UCHAR((y00 + buv) >> 6);
- int y01 = yptr0[1] << 6;
- rgb0[3] = SATURATE_CAST_UCHAR((y01 + ruv) >> 6);
- rgb0[4] = SATURATE_CAST_UCHAR((y01 + guv) >> 6);
- rgb0[5] = SATURATE_CAST_UCHAR((y01 + buv) >> 6);
- int y10 = yptr1[0] << 6;
- rgb1[0] = SATURATE_CAST_UCHAR((y10 + ruv) >> 6);
- rgb1[1] = SATURATE_CAST_UCHAR((y10 + guv) >> 6);
- rgb1[2] = SATURATE_CAST_UCHAR((y10 + buv) >> 6);
- int y11 = yptr1[1] << 6;
- rgb1[3] = SATURATE_CAST_UCHAR((y11 + ruv) >> 6);
- rgb1[4] = SATURATE_CAST_UCHAR((y11 + guv) >> 6);
- rgb1[5] = SATURATE_CAST_UCHAR((y11 + buv) >> 6);
- yptr0 += 2;
- yptr1 += 2;
- vuptr += 2;
- rgb0 += 6;
- rgb1 += 6;
- }
- yptr += 2 * w;
- rgb += 2 * 3 * w;
- }
- }
基于G2D图形硬件的YUV转RGB我们先实现 dmaion buffer 管理器,参考 这里贴的代码省略了异常错误处理的逻辑,有个坑是 linux-4.9 和 linux-5.4 用法不一样,米尔电子的这个T113-i系统是linux-5.4,所以不兼容4.9内核的ioctl用法习惯 - struct ion_memory
- {
- size_t size;
- int fd;
- void* virt_addr;
- unsigned int phy_addr;
- };
- class ion_allocator
- {
- public:
- ion_allocator();
- ~ion_allocator();
- int open();
- void close();
- int alloc(size_t size, struct ion_memory* mem);
- int free(struct ion_memory* mem);
- int flush(struct ion_memory* mem);
- public:
- int ion_fd;
- int cedar_fd;
- };
- ion_allocator::ion_allocator()
- {
- ion_fd = -1;
- cedar_fd = -1;
- }
- ion_allocator::~ion_allocator()
- {
- close();
- }
- int ion_allocator:<img src="static/image/smiley/default/shocked.gif" border="0" smilieid="6" alt=":o">pen()
- {
- close();
- ion_fd = :<img src="static/image/smiley/default/shocked.gif" border="0" smilieid="6" alt=":o">pen("/dev/ion", O_RDWR);
- cedar_fd = :<img src="static/image/smiley/default/shocked.gif" border="0" smilieid="6" alt=":o">pen("/dev/cedar_dev", O_RDONLY);
- ioctl(cedar_fd, IOCTL_ENGINE_REQ, 0);
- return 0;
- }
- void ion_allocator::close()
- {
- if (cedar_fd != -1)
- {
- ioctl(cedar_fd, IOCTL_ENGINE_REL, 0);
- ::close(cedar_fd);
- cedar_fd = -1;
- }
- if (ion_fd != -1)
- {
- ::close(ion_fd);
- ion_fd = -1;
- }
- }
- int ion_allocator::alloc(size_t size, struct ion_memory* mem)
- {
- struct aw_ion_new_alloc_data alloc_data;
- alloc_data.len = size;
- alloc_data.heap_id_mask = AW_ION_SYSTEM_HEAP_MASK;
- alloc_data.fd = 0;
- alloc_data.unused = 0;
- ioctl(ion_fd, AW_ION_IOC_NEW_ALLOC, &alloc_data);
- void* virt_addr = mmap(NULL, size, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, alloc_data.fd, 0);
- struct aw_user_iommu_param iommu_param;
- iommu_param.fd = alloc_data.fd;
- iommu_param.iommu_addr = 0;
- ioctl(cedar_fd, IOCTL_GET_IOMMU_ADDR, &iommu_param);
- mem->size = size;
- mem->fd = alloc_data.fd;
- mem->virt_addr = virt_addr;
- mem->phy_addr = iommu_param.iommu_addr;
- return 0;
- }
- int ion_allocator::free(struct ion_memory* mem)
- {
- if (mem->fd == -1)
- return 0;
- struct aw_user_iommu_param iommu_param;
- iommu_param.fd = mem->fd;
- ioctl(cedar_fd, IOCTL_FREE_IOMMU_ADDR, &iommu_param);
- munmap(mem->virt_addr, mem->size);
- ::close(mem->fd);
- mem->size = 0;
- mem->fd = -1;
- mem->virt_addr = 0;
- mem->phy_addr = 0;
- return 0;
- }
- int ion_allocator::flush(struct ion_memory* mem)
- {
- struct dma_buf_sync sync;
- sync.flags = DMA_BUF_SYNC_END | DMA_BUF_SYNC_RW;
- ioctl(mem->fd, DMA_BUF_IOCTL_SYNC, &sync);
- return 0;
- }
然后再实现 G2D图形硬件 YUV转RGB 的转换器 提前分配好YUV和RGB的dmaion buffer 将YUV数据拷贝到dmaion buffer,flush cache完成同步 配置转换参数,ioctl调用G2D_CMD_BITBLT_H完成转换 flush cache完成同步,从dmaion buffer拷贝出RGB数据 释放dmaion buffer
- // 步骤1
- ion_allocator ion;
- ion.open();
- struct ion_memory yuv_ion;
- ion.alloc(rgb_size, &rgb_ion);
- struct ion_memory rgb_ion;
- ion.alloc(yuv_size, &yuv_ion);
- int g2d_fd = :<img src="static/image/smiley/default/shocked.gif" border="0" smilieid="6" alt=":o">pen("/dev/g2d", O_RDWR);
- // 步骤2
- memcpy((unsigned char*)yuv_ion.virt_addr, yuv420sp, yuv_size);
- ion.flush(&yuv_ion);
- // 步骤3
- g2d_blt_h blit;
- memset(&blit, 0, sizeof(blit));
- blit.flag_h = G2D_BLT_NONE_H;
- blit.src_image_h.format = G2D_FORMAT_YUV420UVC_V1U1V0U0;
- blit.src_image_h.width = width;
- blit.src_image_h.height = height;
- blit.src_image_h.align[0] = 0;
- blit.src_image_h.align[1] = 0;
- blit.src_image_h.clip_rect.x = 0;
- blit.src_image_h.clip_rect.y = 0;
- blit.src_image_h.clip_rect.w = width;
- blit.src_image_h.clip_rect.h = height;
- blit.src_image_h.gamut = G2D_BT601;
- blit.src_image_h.bpremul = 0;
- blit.src_image_h.mode = G2D_PIXEL_ALPHA;
- blit.src_image_h.use_phy_addr = 0;
- blit.src_image_h.fd = yuv_ion.fd;
- blit.dst_image_h.format = G2D_FORMAT_RGB888;
- blit.dst_image_h.width = width;
- blit.dst_image_h.height = height;
- blit.dst_image_h.align[0] = 0;
- blit.dst_image_h.clip_rect.x = 0;
- blit.dst_image_h.clip_rect.y = 0;
- blit.dst_image_h.clip_rect.w = width;
- blit.dst_image_h.clip_rect.h = height;
- blit.dst_image_h.gamut = G2D_BT601;
- blit.dst_image_h.bpremul = 0;
- blit.dst_image_h.mode = G2D_PIXEL_ALPHA;
- blit.dst_image_h.use_phy_addr = 0;
- blit.dst_image_h.fd = rgb_ion.fd;
- ioctl(g2d_fd, G2D_CMD_BITBLT_H, &blit);
- // 步骤4
- ion.flush(&rgb_ion);
- memcpy(rgb, (const unsigned char*)rgb_ion.virt_addr, rgb_size);
- // 步骤5
- ion.free(&rgb_ion);
- ion.free(&yuv_ion);
- ion.close();
- ::close(g2d_fd);
G2D图像硬件YUV转RGB测试考虑到dmaion buffer分配和释放都比较耗时,我们提前做好,循环调用步骤3的G2D转换,统计耗时,并在top工具中查看CPU占用率 - sh-4.4# LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./g2dtest
- INFO : cedarc <CedarPluginVDInit:84>: register mjpeg decoder success!
- this device is not whitelisted for jpeg decoder cvi
- this device is not whitelisted for jpeg decoder cvi
- this device is not whitelisted for jpeg decoder cvi
- this device is not whitelisted for jpeg encoder rkmpp
- INFO : cedarc <log_set_level:43>: Set log level to 5 from /vendor/etc/cedarc.conf
- ERROR : cedarc <DebugCheckConfig:316>: now cedarc log level:5
- ERROR : cedarc <VideoEncCreate:241>: now cedarc log level:5
- yuv420sp2rgb 46.61
- yuv420sp2rgb 42.04
- yuv420sp2rgb 41.32
- yuv420sp2rgb 42.06
- yuv420sp2rgb 41.69
- yuv420sp2rgb 42.05
- yuv420sp2rgb 41.29
- yuv420sp2rgb 41.30
- yuv420sp2rgb 42.14
- yuv420sp2rgb 41.33
- yuv420sp2rgb_neon 10.57
- yuv420sp2rgb_neon 7.21
- yuv420sp2rgb_neon 6.77
- yuv420sp2rgb_neon 8.31
- yuv420sp2rgb_neon 7.60
- yuv420sp2rgb_neon 6.80
- yuv420sp2rgb_neon 6.77
- yuv420sp2rgb_neon 7.01
- yuv420sp2rgb_neon 7.11
- yuv420sp2rgb_neon 7.06
- yuv420sp2rgb_g2d 4.32
- yuv420sp2rgb_g2d 4.69
- yuv420sp2rgb_g2d 4.56
- yuv420sp2rgb_g2d 4.57
- yuv420sp2rgb_g2d 4.52
- yuv420sp2rgb_g2d 4.54
- yuv420sp2rgb_g2d 4.52
- yuv420sp2rgb_g2d 4.58
- yuv420sp2rgb_g2d 4.60
- yuv420sp2rgb_g2d 4.67
可以看到 ARM neon 的优化效果非常明显,而使用G2D图形硬件能获得进一步加速,并且能显著降低CPU占用率!
| 耗时(ms) | CPU占用率(%) | C | 41.30 | 50 | neon | 6.77 | 50 | g2d | 4.32 | 12 |
转换结果对比和分析C和neon的转换结果完全一致,但是g2d转换后的图片有明显的色差 G2D图形硬件只支持 G2D_BT601,G2D_BT709,G2D_BT2020 3种YUV系数,而JPG所使用的YUV系数是改版BT601,因此产生了色差 从g2d内核驱动中也可以得知,暂时没有方法为g2d设置自定义的YUV系数,g2d不适合用于JPG的编解码,但依然适合摄像头和视频编解码的颜色空间转换