DIYDrones ArduIMU+ V3 开发板是DIYDrones最新的 IMU,与V2板PIN脚连接相同,体积小,速度快。IMU ArduIMU+ V3姿态传感器开发板板载涉及到重要芯片包括 ATmega328微控制器、MPU-6000三轴加速度和三轴陀螺仪、HMC5883L三轴磁力计以及GPS接头。IMU ArduIMU + V3是一种非常强大的定位姿态传感器开发板。IMU ArduIMU+ V3姿态传感器开发板实物截图:
IMU ArduIMU+ V3姿态传感器开发板规格:
- 3-Axis gyro with sensitivity up to 131 LSBs/dps and a full-scale range of ±250, ±500, ±1000, and ±2000dps
- 3-Axis accelerometer with a programmable full scale range of ±2g, ±4g, ±8g and ±16g
- Reduced settling effects and sensor drift by elimination of board-level cross-axis alignment errors between accelerometers and gyroscopes
- Full Chip Idle Mode Supply Current: 5µA
- On-chip timing generator with ±1% frequency variation over full temperature range
- User self test
- 10,000g shock tolerant
- Pin compatible with ArduIMU V2
- The 6 analog pins are now available!
- Arduino compatible and open source.
- 3 status LED’s (RGB).
- I2C port with 3.3V translation.
- GPS port with FTDI autoswitch.