基于STM32 1700W双电机控制器概述:
该设计介绍的基于STM32F103 和 STGIPS20C60 的一个完整的电机控制设备解决方案,主要应用于汽车电子行业。主要包括双电机无传感器磁场定向控制(FOC);另一方面,通过数字控制提高单边DC-DC转换器,从而执行有源功率因数校正(PFC)。
STGIPS20C60是小型低损耗智能功率模块(IPM),三相20A 600V IGBT桥,包括用于栅极驱动的控制IC和续流二极管(FWD),主要用在三相马达驱动和空调机.
基于STM32 1700W双电机控制器电路参数:
- Nominal power 1300 W, max. power 1700 W
- Digital PFC section:
- Single-stage boost converter based on the STGW35HF60W (or STW38N65M5) and STTH15R06D or (STPSC1206D)
- AC mains current sensing
- DC bus voltage sensing
- Hardware overcurrent protection
- Hardware overvoltage protection
- AC mains voltage zero crossing detection
- Rectified AC mains voltage sensing
- External boost inductor
- Inverter section (motor 1 drive):
- IGBT intelligent power module STGIPS20C60 in SDIP 25L molded package
- 3-shunt or DC link motor current sensing
- Hardware overcurrent protection
- Heatsink temperature measurement
- Overcurrent protection disabling network
- Control section:
- Centralized dual motor control and PFC drive, using the STM32F103RCT6
- MC connector to drive the second motor power stage (a compatible power board, such as the STEVAL-IHM021V1, STEVAL-IHM024V1, or STEVAL-IHM032V1, can be plugged here)
- SWD programming and debugging
- JTAG programming
- Opto-isolated USART communication
- Other functions:
- User key, reset, potentiometer, user LED, NTC relay, test points
- Power supply:
- +15 V, +3.3 V power supply
- RoHS compliant
基于STM32 1700W双电机控制器实物图片展示:
附件内容包括: 1700W双电机控制器原理图、gerber文件、设计说明等