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  • 正文
    • 3.1 创建车道检测算法
    • 3.2 标记边界点
    • 3.3  准备车道检测自动化类
    • 3.4 在App中使用AutoLaneMarking自动化类
    • 3.5 总结
  • 相关推荐
  • 电子产业图谱
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本讲展示了如何在Ground Truth Labeler应用程序中开发自动标记车道边界的算法。

良好的地面真实数据对于开发驾驶算法和评估其性能至关重要。然而,创建一套丰富多样的标注驾驶数据需要大量的时间和资源。Ground Truth Labeler应用程序使这一过程变得高效。可以将该应用作为一个完全手动的标注工具,为视觉系统标注车道边界、车辆边界框和其他感兴趣的对象。然而,手动标注需要大量的时间和资源。这款应用程序还提供了一个框架来创建算法,以扩展和自动化标签过程。可以使用创建的算法来快速标记整个数据集,然后用更高效、更短的手动验证步骤进行跟进。还可以编辑自动化步骤的结果,以说明自动化算法可能遗漏的挑战性场景。本示例介绍了如何将车道检测算法插入到应用程序的自动化工作流程中。

3.1 创建车道检测算法


configData= load('birdsEyeConfig');sensor     = configData.birdsEyeConfig.Sensor;monoSensor= helperMonoSensor(sensor);I          = imread('road.png'); sensorOut =processFrame(monoSensor, I);lb =sensorOut.leftEgoBoundary;figureIwithLane =insertLaneBoundary(I, lb, sensor, [3 30], 'Color', 'blue');imshow(IwithLane);title('DetectedLeft Lane BoundaryModel');


3.2 标记边界点


ROI      = [3 30];xPoints  = [3 3.5 4 5 7 12 30]'; % Moredense closer to the vehicleyPoints  = lb.computeBoundaryModel(xPoints); % Findcorresponding image locationsboundaryPointsOnImage= vehicleToImage(sensor, [xPoints, yPoints]); imshow(I)hold onplot(boundaryPointsOnImage(:,1),boundaryPointsOnImage(:,2),...    'o',...    'MarkerEdgeColor','b',...    'MarkerFaceColor','b',...    'MarkerSize',10)title('AutomaticallyMarked Lane Boundary Points');hold off


3.3  准备车道检测自动化类

要将这个车道检测算法纳入到应用程序的自动化工作流程中,请构造一个继承自抽象基类 vision.labeleler.AutomationAlgorithm的类。这个基类为应用程序用于配置和运行自定义算法的方法定义了属性和签名。GroundTruth Labeler 应用程序提供了一种获取初始自动化类模板的便捷方法。AutoLaneMarking类基于该模板,提供了一个用于车道检测的即用型自动化类。该类的注释概述了实现每个API调用所需的基本步骤。 步骤1包含定义算法名称和描述的属性,以及使用算法的方向。

%----------------------------------------------------------------------   % Step 1: Define required propertiesdescribing the algorithm. This   %        includes Name, Description, and UserDirections.   properties(Constant)       % Name: Give a name for your algorithm.       Name = 'LaneDetector';       % Description: Provide a one-linedescription for your algorithm.       Description = 'Automatically detect lane-like features';       % UserDirections: Provide a set of directions that are displayed       %                 when this algorithm isinvoked. The directions       %                 are to be provided as a cellarray of character       %                 vectors, with each element of the cell array       %                 representing a step in thelist of directions.       UserDirections = {...           'Load a MonoCamera configurationobject from the workspace using the settings panel',...           'Specify additional parameters in thesettings panel',...           'Run the algorithm',...           'Manually inspect and modify resultsif needed'};   end


%---------------------------------------------------------------------   % Step 2: Defineproperties to be used during the algorithm. These are   % user-definedproperties that can be defined to manage algorithm   % execution.   properties       %MonoCamera       %  The monoCamera object associated with thisvideo       MonoCamera          = [];       %MonoCameraVarname       %  The workspace variable name of the monoCamera object      MonoCameraVarname   = '';       %BirdsEyeConfig       %  The birdsEyeView object needed to create thebird's-eye view       BirdsEyeConfig      = [];       %MaxNumLanes       %  The maximum number of lanes the algorithmtries to annotate       MaxNumLanes         = 2;       %ROI       %  The region ofinterest around the vehicle used to search for       %  lanes       ROI            = [3, 30, -3, 3];      %LaneMaskSensitivity       %  The sensitivity parameter used in thesegmentLaneMarkerRidge function       LaneMaskSensitivity= 0.25;       %LaneBoundaryWidth       %  The laneboundary width, used infindParabolicLaneBoundaries      LaneBoundaryWidth   = 0.6;       %XPoints       %  The x-axis points along which to mark the lane boundaries       XPoints             = [3 3.5 4 4.5 5 6 7 10 30];   end


function TF = checkLabelDefinition(~,labelDef)           % Lanedetection only works with Line type labels           TF =labelDef.Type == labelType.Line;       endThe next functionis checkSetup. Note that this algorithm requires a monoCamera sensor configuration to be available.All other properties have defined reasonable defaults.       function TF = checkSetup(algObj, ~)           % This is the only required input           TF = ~isempty(algObj.MonoCamera);       end

接下来,settingsDialog函数将获取并修改步骤2中定义的属性。通过该 API 调用,您可以创建一个对话框,当用户点击自动选项卡中的设置按钮时,该对话框就会打开。要创建这个对话框,请使用 inputdlg 函数快速创建一个简单的模态窗口,要求用户指定 monoCamera 对象。以下代码片段概述了基本语法。完整的AutoLaneMarking代码扩展了这一逻辑,还增加了输入验证步骤。 

% Describethe inputs   prompt = {...       'Enter the MonoCamera variable name',...       'Maximum number of Lanes',...       };   defaultAnswer = {...       '',...       num2str(2),...       };   % Create an input dialog   name = 'Settings for lane detection';   numLines = 1;   options.Resize      = 'on';   options.WindowStyle = 'normal';   options.Interpreter = 'none';   answer =inputdlg(prompt,name,numLines,defaultAnswer,options);   % Obtain the inputs   monoCameraVarname = answer{1};   maxNumberOfLanes  = answer{2};


 function initialize(~,~, ~)       end


functionautoLabels = run(algObj, I)           Ig = rgb2gray(I);           birdsEyeViewImage =transformImage(algObj.BirdsEyeConfig, Ig);           birdsEyeViewBW    = segmentLaneMarkerRidge(birdsEyeViewImage,...               algObj.BirdsEyeConfig,algObj.LaneBoundaryWidth, ...               'Sensitivity',algObj.LaneMaskSensitivity);           % Obtain lane candidate points in world coordinates           [imageX, imageY] = find(birdsEyeViewBW);           boundaryPointsxy =imageToVehicle(algObj.BirdsEyeConfig, [imageY, imageX]);           % Fit requested number of boundariesto it           lbs =findParabolicLaneBoundaries(...              boundaryPointsxy,algObj.LaneBoundaryWidth, ...              'MaxNumBoundaries',algObj.MaxNumLanes);           numDetectedLanes = numel(lbs);           % Convert the model to discrete set of points at the specified           % x coordinates           boundaryPoints = cell(1,numDetectedLanes);           xPoints = algObj.XPoints';           for ind = 1:numel(lbs)               yPoints             =lbs(ind).computeBoundaryModel(xPoints);               boundaryPoints{ind} =vehicleToImage(algObj.MonoCamera, [xPoints, yPoints]);           end           % Package up the results in a table           autoLabels = table(...               boundaryPoints',...               repmat(labelType.Line,[numDetectedLanes,1]),...              repmat(algObj.SelectedLabelDefinitions.Name, [numDetectedLanes,1]));           autoLabels.Properties.VariableNames= {'Position','Type','Name'};       end


function terminate(~)       end

3.4 在App中使用AutoLaneMarking自动化类

车道检测算法的打包版本现在已经可以在AutoLaneMarking类中使用。要在应用中使用这个类。 --在当前文件夹下创建所需的文件夹结构,并将自动化类复制到其中。

mkdir('+vision/+labeler');    copyfile(fullfile(matlabroot,'toolbox','driving','drivingdemos','AutoLaneMarking.m'),'+vision/+labeler');


 configData =load('birdsEyeConfig');    sensor   = configData.birdsEyeConfig.Sensor;

--打开 "地面真值标签机 "应用。 


在左侧窗格中,单击 "定义新的投资回报率标签 "按钮,并定义所示的投资回报率线样式。然后单击 "确定"。

- 点击算法 > 选择算法 > 刷新列表。- 点击 "算法">"自动车道检测"。如果没有看到这个选项,请确保当前工作文件夹中有一个名为+vision/+labeler的文件夹,其中有一个名为AutoLaneMarking.m的文件。 

- 单击Automate(自动)。将打开一个新的标签,显示算法的使用方向。- 点击设置,在打开的对话框中,在第一个文本框中输入传感器。如果需要,请修改其他参数,然后再单击 "确定"。 

- 单击 "运行"。车道检测算法在视频上进行。注意,在某些帧中,结果并不令人满意。- 运行完成后,使用滑块或方向键滚动整个视频,以定位算法失败的帧。

- 通过移动车道边界点或删除整个边界,手动调整结果。 

- 一旦对整个视频的车道边界感到满意,请单击 "接受"。标记视频的自动车道检测部分已经完成。可以继续标记其他感兴趣的对象,保存会话,或导出本次标记运行的结果。 

3.5 总结

这个例子展示了将车道检测算法纳入Ground Truth Labeler应用程序的步骤。可以将此概念扩展到其他自定义算法,以简化和扩展应用程序的功能。



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