今天在 Inside EV 里面,有关特斯拉的最新专利 US20190217794 WIRING SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE 这份专利是很有意义的。
Traditional car wiring for vehicles are piecemeal solutions. Typically, there are different wiring harnesses that connect each different electrical component to a central battery or power source. Each component receives power, but requires multiple wiring harnesses for communication and signals. The total length of the wire may be many miles within a single vehicle. These wiring harnesses typically consist of multiple round conductors that are not rigid. Round conductors are not optimal for transmitting current and the lack of rigidity of traditional wiring harnesses requires assembly into the vehicle using human hands, which can be a slow process. Further, connecting each component to the central battery is not optimized on an automobile level.Hence, there is a need for wires and a wiring-system architecture that overcomes the aforementioned drawbacks.
这个是一个截面图,最下面的是 Busbar,通 12V 的,上面
当然具体怎么做,还需要看特斯拉在今后的实车里面怎么做。这里需要本身在 ECU 层面,快速导向按照区域分割的 Zone 域控制器,在 EE 的线束中也运用了很多的非汽车传统的技术。
小结:期待这个专利落地,我觉得现在来看特斯拉对于传统 EE 工程师冲击最大,之前很多的做法完全被原有技术之外的想象力完全给颠覆掉了。