韩国两家动力电池企业 LG 化学与 SK Innovation 的矛盾,之前是有报道:LG 化学在电池供应商上面,如果大众汽车选择 SK 创新则,不保证后续的电池供应。而目前两家商业竞争开始矛盾激化升级,LG 化学针对 SK Innovation 发起一系列诉讼,主要指责其通过雇佣其员工来窃取锂电池相关核心技术。诉讼是通过 LG 化学和子公司 LGCMI 发起的,在国际贸易委员会和特拉华州地方法院同时提起诉讼。
在这个文件里面,LG 方面提出的有几点:
从 2017 年,LG 化学已经开始关注这个事情的发展
SK 创新把赶超,寄希望于从对手雇员方面想办法,涵盖工程师、研发科学家和技工
LGC is informed and believes that in or about 2017, while announcing their intent to reinvent themselves and become a top-tier battery maker, Defendants engaged in a targeted campaign to hire LGC engineers, scientists and technicians who were involved in virtually all core aspects of LGC’s battery business to leave LGC, take competing positions with Defendants, and disclose and use LGC Trade Secrets (such as those including research and development for the EV industry, battery design manufacturing, lithium-ion quality control assessments, battery performance and testing information, purchasing, and sales histories and strategies and myriad other confidential information)
The Former LGC Employees knew and were so experienced in using LGC Trade Secrets that, upon information and belief, Defendants specifically sought to unlawfully obtain not just their know how, but LGC Trade Secrets and other confidential information. For example, LGC is informed and believes that many of the Former LGC Employees had worked specifically on products and technologies concerning Volkswagen automobiles, one of LGC’s key and emerging customers in the EV market, and its modular electric toolkit (known as the “MEB”)6 platform for electric vehicles. The Former LGC Employees had access to, were trained on, and routinely used LGC’s Trade Secrets and other confidential information.
而主要的结果就是针对以上涉及 MEB 项目的员工,直接和拿到美国的项目有着关联。大众汽车去年已经选择韩国电池制造商 SKI 为其基于模块化电动工具包(MEB)平台的电动汽车供应电池。SKI 将主要为北美地区供应电池,并向集团在欧洲生产的纯电动汽车供应部分电池。SKI 在后面宣布在美国佐治亚州杰克逊县新建动力电池工厂,该工厂预计 2019 年初开工,2022 年投入生产。SKI 宣布将投资 8.59 亿美元(约 57.4 亿元人民币)在匈牙利建设另一家电池厂,奠基仪式将于今年 3 月在 Komárom 举行。新工厂将于 2021 年完工,并将从 2022 年开始向欧洲汽车制造商大规模交付电池。