TA的每日心情 | 郁闷 2013-6-3 09:22 |
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本帖最后由 pcduino 于 2013-3-19 10:32 编辑
在这个教程中我们将通过python语言实现pcDuio的GPIO读写功能,使用Linker Kit里的Touch sensor实现GPIO的输入功能,对于GPIO的输出我们则通过high power LED module 。
使用Proto shield 连接pcDuino,所有的sensor/LED module 插入 Linker base shield
Python library 可以另外下载
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # button_led.py
- # gpio test code for pcduino ( http://www.pcduino.com )
- #
- import gpio
- import time
- import sys
- powerled_pin="gpio11"
- led_pin = "gpio12"
- touchsensor_pin="gpio13"
- def delay(ms):
- time.sleep(1.0*ms/1000)
- def setup():
- gpio.pinMode(led_pin, gpio.OUTPUT)
- gpio.pinMode(powerled_pin, gpio.OUTPUT)
- gpio.pinMode(touchsensor_pin, gpio.INPUT)
- def loop():
- while(1):
- buttonval=gpio.digitalRead(touchsensor_pin);
- if buttonval==gpio.HIGH:
- gpio.digitalWrite(led_pin, gpio.HIGH)
- gpio.digitalWrite(powerled_pin, gpio.LOW)
- else:
- gpio.digitalWrite(led_pin, gpio.LOW)
- gpio.digitalWrite(powerled_pin,gpio.HIGH)
- def main():
- print sys.platform
- print 'Hello, pcDuino!'
- print 'Example to show how to read a button and turn on/off the LED!'
- setup()
- loop()
- main()
然后执行“python button_led.py”