为庆祝 Raspberry Pi 开卖 一周年 ,其主要经销商 RS Components 日前宣布将推出限量版的蓝色 Raspberry Pi Model B 。这款产品将采用蓝色的电路板,每块电路板上都有独一无二的编号,同时它还会配有相同颜色的机壳,当然,限量版证书也是少不了的啦(上面附有创始人 Eben Upton 的签名)。
说到这里可能有人要问如何才能买到这款产品,答案是它根本就买不到。RS Components 称大部份的限量版产品都会被用于支持开发者、爱好者以及慈善事业,不过他们会留下 1,000 台作为接下来一系列比赛的奖品。所以说对这款蓝色 Raspberry Pi Model B 有爱的朋友们就请积极地参与比赛吧,活动期限为三月至六月,现在已经开始。
原文:Raspberry Pi coming in limited edition blue, you'll have to win it to own it
The Raspberry Pi has been on sale for just over a year. Key distributor RS Components wants to celebrate the tiny computer's first birthday with more than just a greeting card, though. It's producing a limited edition Model B, the Blue Pi, with a blue circuit board and a suitably-hued case. The mini PC is guaranteed to stand out in any hobbyist project, provided it's not hidden in a box. There's only one catch: you can't buy one. RSC is donating a batch to good causes, and only 1,000 are up for grabs in giveaways running between now and June. Those who make a convincing argument for Blue Pi ownership will accordingly be part of an exclusive club -- and the envy of any Raspberry Pi owner who's been bored with plain green.