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  • TA的每日心情
    2017-9-11 09:31
  • 签到天数: 155 天

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    发表于 2013-3-5 14:22:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    本帖最后由 xinxincaijq 于 2013-3-5 14:24 编辑

    急聘上海变频电源工程师 月薪税后20K起 外资公司 工作地点  上海
    要求如下  有能力的人 就去吧  
    * Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering or Electronic Engineering.
    * Minimum of 5 years power electronics design experience.
    * Experience with electrical and mechanical system modeling.
    * Experience with control system modeling and analysis as applicable to power electronic circuits.
    * Demonstrated experience implementing and adjusting PI(D) compensators applying Root Locus or Bode plots.
    * Extensive experience with embedded controls, power supply design, digital and analog circuits.
    * Experience in operation, characterization, and modeling of power electronic switching devices.
    * Ability to effectively communicate and coordinate with global teams.
    * Excellent analytical skills and ability to work within a project team environment.
    * PCB layout experience, including SMT and through-hole components.
    * Previous experience in embedded software development employing C programming language and structured programming.

    有意向的朋友请加我MSN: it_coco@hotmail.com   万分感谢大家帮忙!

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  • TA的每日心情
    2014-3-25 09:23
  • 签到天数: 4 天

    连续签到: 1 天


    发表于 2014-2-18 09:01:09 | 显示全部楼层
    不是大牛   就随便看看吧
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