可见3个 USB2.0是直接引出,没有和LAN共用。另外通过MAX V CPLD拓展出40Pin,如果你想用这个FPGA的搞点事情,可能会受挫,因为[研扬官方人员这么说的](https://up-community.org/forum/general-discussion/89-altera-max-v-cpld):
> The UP board uses Altera 5M160ZM100C5N, there are not much capacity left to extend functionalities. To prevent from system error due to incorrect coding, the UP board does not plan to release the source of CPLD. For ODM projects, it is possible to discuss replacement of bigger capacity CPLD and custom coding. We are still learning what will be the best way to share the benefit of CPLD with our community. You are welcome to give us more suggestions.
大意就是UP Board上板载的FPGA是Altera Max V (5M160ZM100C5N),但是没有多少资源可以用来拓展新功能。并且为了防止你们误操作把系统弄崩了,我们也暂时不准备释出相关代码。不过随着UP Squared的推出,其板载的Altera Max 10 应该可以让玩家们过过瘾。
【UP Squared板载设备接口】使用更强大的Altera Max 10,并且提供了用于调试FPGA的JTAG接口(UP Board那个好像也是吧),但是由于Max 10 仅是一块入门级FPGA,可能更多是用于了解学习。