要利用TigerBoard实现外围设备的控制,首先的学会如果去控制TigerBoard的GPIO口,由于板子Gobian系统中已经封装了RPi.GPIO库,并且兼容Raspberry Pi的管脚,所以我们可以参考树莓派GPIO的控制方法,首先看下J3这两排管脚。
了解了GPIO的原理图后,我们可以参考官方提供的技术文档和Demo选33PIN这一管脚进行测试,这里我们采用Python来实现这一功能,通过观察LED的状态来验证程序 - import RPi.GPIO as gpio # Include the RPi.GPIO library as gpio.
- import time # Include the Python time functions.
- gpio.setmode(gpio.BOARD) # Set mod as BOARD, which means to use the numbering from the physical layout.
- while True:
- gpio.setup(33, gpio.OUT) # Set pin 33 on J3 to be an output.
- gpio.output(33, gpio.HIGH) # Set pin 33 on J3 as high.
- time.sleep(1) # Wait for one second.
- gpio.output(33, gpio.LOW) # Set pin 33 on J3 as low.
- time.sleep(1) # Wait for one second.
复制代码 说明:
这里只需要改变GPIO的配置,并进行检测即可基本同GPIO输入 - import RPi.GPIO as gpio
- import time
- gpio.setmode(gpio.BOARD)
- while True:
- gpio.setup(33, gpio.IN) # Set up pin 33 on header J3 to be used as an input.
- if gpio.input(33): # Read the value of pin 33; and execute the indented if it’s high.
- print “Button pressed!” # Print a message to the terminal.
- time.sleep(3) # Wait for 3second.
复制代码 这里gpio.input(33)输入你可以再33管脚通过接地和接3.3V电压来模拟验证程序,会了这个便知道如果操作按键和其他的一些输入识别的GPIO控制了。