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[教程] 【一网打尽】Raspberry Pi Course Week 5 – Day 1 (Settings)

  • TA的每日心情
    2016-8-4 10:56
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    发表于 2015-3-28 12:58:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

    The Raspberry Pi has its general users which create data, edit word documents or browse the web but these users are restricted in what they can do.  Therefore a root user or super user must exist in order to perform system changes.  The sudo command will allow you to perform some administration commands if you are part of an admin group.

    One of the first things you should do is secure your login account because by default the password is raspberry.  If you are using Raspian you can use this method.

    Login to your Raspberry Pi and enter the following command to change your password.

    $ sudo raspi-config

    When the menu appears select the second option to change your password.  If you are using a different distribution then enter the following command.

    $ passwd

    Following the instructions and enter the new password details and you can log in using your new credentials.

    When you enter the passwd command you are invoking the passwd program location in /usr/bin/passwd.

    Exploring the Raspi-conifg tool reveals a whole host of other configuration options.

    Expand_rootfs will expand the operating system fill the entire card.  You may have a 16GB sd card but when you wrote the image to the card the operating system image may have only been 4G.  To use the free spaceexpand_rootfs will recover this space for you.

    Overscan is used to configure how much of the border is revealed.  Sometimes you may notice that the image on the screen is running off the screen.  If you want to remove the border around the screen then disable overscan.

    Configure keyboard is used to set the correct keyboard so that the correct keyboard symbols appear.  Use this option if your keyboard isn’t configured correctly.

    Change locale is used to select your language which is associated with your character set.

    Change timezone allows you to funnily enough, change your time zone.

    Memory Split determines how much memory you would like to distribute between the CPU (central processing unit) and the GPU (graphics processing unit).  If you will be running more intense graphic calculations such as games etc then your should allocate more for the GPU.  However,  if you are just using your terminal then set more towards the CPU.

    Overclock is used to make the computer run faster than the recommended manufacturers’ specifications.  Normally overclocking can cause problems in the longer term and can invalid any warranty the product may have.  The Raspberry Pi Foundation allows this overclocking because it is within reasonable overclocking settings and does not invalid the warrantly.  The higher the MHZ you set the faster the Raspberry Pi will run.  You may find that after altering a setting the Raspberry Pi will not boot up.  If this happens simply hold down the shift key when turning on the Raspberry Pi and then go back to raspi-config and select a lower MHZ.

    Ssh is used to set up a secure connection from another device.  This is great if your Raspberry Pi is sitting on a shelf powered on but does not have a TV or monitor connected to it.  This will allow you to login in and control it from another PC, device or laptop.

    Boot behaviour can be used if your prefer to boot directly into your desktop.

    Update is used to update the raspi-config tool if a new version of it exists.


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