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[教程] 【一网打尽】Raspberry Pi Course Week 3 – Day 3 (Pi Store)

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    2016-8-4 10:56
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    发表于 2015-3-27 17:33:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

    The app store for the Raspberry Pi is much like any other app store found with Apple, Microsoft or the Android Play store.  The app store gives you access to some of the software available for the Raspberry Pi which include both free and paid apps.

    To access the Pi Store login to your desktop and double click on the Pi Store icon which appears on the desktop or you can visit http://store.raspberrypi.com.

    If your distribution does not appear to have a Pi Store icon, do not fear.  You can install it by using the following command in a terminal.
    $ sudo apt-get install pistore

    Before you can access the store you will need to register.  Click on the login link located at the top right corner of the window and click register.
    Fill in your email address, password and the security question.  Click on the sign me up button and you will be signed into your account.  You can change your username by clicking on the edit link which allows you to change your username and upload an avatar for the account.
    When you have completed the above process you will see the Pi Store.   A list of apps will be displayed which can filtered by clicking on the games, apps, tutorials, dev tools & media menu buttons.  Next to the menu buttons appears a number.  This number indicates how many apps are available for this type of application.   You can also filter by tags by clicking on one of the subjects that appear on the left hand side of the window.
    Tags are very much like keywords so that the app can easily be searched and recognised when looking for them.

    To install an app on your Raspberry Pi, click on the Free Download button of the Buy button.  When the app has successfully been downloaded and installed it will appear in the My Library.  The my library button will display any apps that you have downloaded and installed previously.


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