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[教程] 【一网打尽】Raspberry Pi Course Week 2 – Day 2.0 (The File Manager)

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    2016-8-4 10:56
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    发表于 2015-3-27 15:32:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

    Using a graphical desktop will easily allow you to modify and configure the Raspberry Pi without the need of the command line commands and flags.  It is far more intuitive to remember where to click and in which order than it is to remember the commands.  The desktop was needed to bridge the cap for non-technical users of applications.

    There are a number of desktops to choose from when using the Raspberry Pi.  LXDE, Gnome and KDE are common desktops but this tutorial will focus on LXDE because of its small memory footprint, speed and rich features.

    The File Manager
    Within the desktop is a file manager.  The file manager provides you with a way managing files and folders but also gives you access to view files, play audio and navigate through the file system.

    The file manager will allow you to easily manage your files and provides the ability to view files, play audio and navigate through the file system.

    You can access the file manager by clicking on the LXPanel or Taskbar, select the accessories menu and click on the file manager.  A window will open displaying a list of files and folders.


    From within the file manager you can create new files, copy, paste files and more.
    How to navigate
    Double click on the Desktop folder on the desktop.  This will open a file containing the icons that appear on your desktop.  Notice that the file location now reads /home/pi/Desktop.

    The screen shot below is displaying your current location as /home/pi.  This a quick reference to display to the user their current location when navigating the file system.

    You can use the navigate buttons to go back to the previous folder by clicking on the left arrow.

    File & Folders
    If you click the right mouse button, a menu will appear that allows you to create a new folder.  Click on the Create New Folder option. Enter Suntimebox and press enter.  A new folder now appears with the name of Suntimebox.

    Copying Files
    To copy a file right click the mouse button on a file and select copy from the menu.  Navigate to the location where you want to paste the file and right click on the white area.  A window will appear.  Select paste from the menu.  The file that you copied will appear in the window.

    Moving Files
    Moving files is a matter of holding down your mouse button on the file and drag this file to the new location.

    Deleting Files
    Highlight the file by clicking on the file so that it is highlighted.  Pressing delete on the keyboard will delete this file.   

    Home Directory

    The home directory is a file location that contains any files that you want to keep personal.  This means that other users that login to your Raspberry Pi using a different account will not be able to access these files.  It is also a good location to keep any project files that you are working on.

    Clicking the icon above will always return you back to your home folder.

    Creating Bookmarks

    Bookmarks are used to quickly find your way to a location the file system.  Select the folder that you want to bookmark.  Select the bookmarks from the file manager menu and left click on Add to Bookmarks.  Click on OK

    Removing Bookmarks

    To remove a bookmark right click on a folder and click on the Remove from Bookmark menu item that appears.


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