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[教程] 【一网打尽】Raspberry Pi Course Week 2 – Day 1.0 (The Desktop)

  • TA的每日心情
    2016-8-4 10:56
  • 签到天数: 242 天

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    发表于 2015-3-27 15:17:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

    The Raspberry Pi desktop enhances the user experience by making it intuitive.  It does this by providing visual buttons, menus, icons and windows.  The desktop removes the complexity of manually entering commands into a terminal.  As you have seen previously that using the shutdown command offers a number of flags.  These can be hard to remember and the desktop will relieve you from this.

    The Raspberry Pi offers a fast light weight desktop that can be customised for your own desktop preferences.  It has a very low memory footprint making it ideal for the Raspberry Pi.


    The desktop experience offers menus, windows, icons, a file manager and the taskbar.

    File manager
    A file manager will manage files and allows the user an easy interface to manage files.  It provides the ability to display, copy, delete, edit and navigate through the operating systems file system.


    The menu

    The menu organises programs and provides a convenient way to group common programs.


    Desktop icons
    Icons provide quick access to the most common programs.


    Application Windows
    The application windows provides focusing the user attention on the program by containing most of its functions in one location.  A window consists of a frame with a title bar, normally a way of exiting the window and common tasks to manage the window.  These include a minimise and maximisebutton.

    The LXPanel or Task Bar
    The LXPanel or task bar located across the bottom of the desktop provides a user friendly desktop panel which manages open programs and allows access to the application menu.  It can be configured to your personal preference using preferences.

    Applications Menu
    If you are familiar with the Windows operating system then the application menu provides a fast and convenient way of grouping and accessing the installed applications.


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