本帖最后由 小菜儿 于 2015-1-30 13:45 编辑
目录:- 硬件准备
- 安装
- 驱动示例代码
- 连续转动拍摄代码实现
- 拍摄图片效果
硬件准备需要以下硬件: - 可以工作的树莓派一个
- 母对母1P杜邦线6根
- DC 5V4相28YBJ-48步进电机一个
- UL2003芯片步进电机驱动板一块
步进电机电源步进电机需要5V电压驱动,而树莓派的GPIO接口中已有5V输出,将图中的Pin 2(最右上角那个)5V,接到驱动板的5V正极,Pin 6接到5V负级,电源部分则搞定。
步进电机驱动线路驱动板上有IN1, IN2, IN3, IN4四个接口,根据资料得知这四个接口依次设置为低电平就可以驱动,我们分别用杜邦线将GPIO 17(Pin 11),GPIO 18(Pin 12), GPIO 21(Pin 13), GPIO 22(Pin 15)和IN1,IN2,IN3,IN4一一相连。 注意不同的GPIO驱动程序对端口的编号不一定一样(至少有三种叫法:Board,Broadcom,GPIO) 驱动原理:(每次将四个GPIO端口按下表依次设置好电平后,可以sleep几十毫秒来控制转速)
安装摄像头本来是希望用3D打印机来制作齿轮和支架来完成这部分工作的,但因为打印机还没到货,所以先用乐高积木来做了, 刚好乐高积木可以插在步进电机中轴上,而且很牢靠,还不用密封带了。 摄像头如下图用两根导线固定在乐高积木上:
驱动示例代码这里使用的是Python GPIO库,注意这里的端口命名是按树莓派的Board叫法(Pin 11, 12, 13, 15) - root@raspberrypi2 ~/projects/step_motor # cat motor.py
- import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
- import time
- import sys
- from array import *
- GPIO.setwarnings(False)
- GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD)
- steps = int(sys.argv[1]);
- clockwise = int(sys.argv[2]);
- arr = [0,1,2,3];
- if clockwise!=1:
- arr = [3,2,1,0];
- ports = [11,12,13,15]
- for p in ports:
- GPIO.setup(p,GPIO.OUT)
- for x in range(0,steps):
- for j in arr:
- time.sleep(0.01)
- for i in range(0,4):
- if i == j:
- GPIO.output(ports[i],True)
- else:
- GPIO.output(ports[i],False)
复制代码执行python motor.py 90 0 可以顺时针转动大约80度。 执行python motor.py 90 1 则可逆时针转动大约80度。 转动效果视频
连续转动拍摄代码实现这次使用webiopi把控制程序转换成REST API,这样方便网页调用。
- root@raspberrypi2 ~/projects/gpio_server # cat webiopi_custom.py
- # Imports
- import webiopi
- import time
- # Retrieve GPIO lib
- GPIO = webiopi.GPIO
- # -------------------------------------------------- #
- # Macro definition part #
- # -------------------------------------------------- #
- # A custom macro which prints out the arg received and return OK
- def myMacroWithArgs(arg1, arg2, arg3):
- print("myMacroWithArgs(%s, %s, %s)" % (arg1, arg2, arg3))
- return "OK"
- # A custom macro without args which return nothing
- def myMacroWithoutArgs():
- print("myMacroWithoutArgs()")
- # Example loop which toggle GPIO 7 each 5 seconds
- def loop():
- time.sleep(5)
- def turnLed(port_str, ms):
- port = int(port_str)
- GPIO.setFunction(port,GPIO.OUT)
- GPIO.output(port,GPIO.LOW)
- time.sleep(float(ms)/1000)
- GPIO.output(port,GPIO.HIGH)
- def turnWebcam(steps_str, clockwise_str):
- steps = int(steps_str);
- clockwise = int(clockwise_str);
- arr = [0,1,2,3];
- if clockwise!=1:
- arr = [3,2,1,0];
- ports = [17,18,27,22]
- for p in ports:
- GPIO.setFunction(p,GPIO.OUT)
- for x in range(0,steps):
- for j in arr:
- time.sleep(0.01)
- for i in range(0,4):
- if i == j:
- GPIO.output(ports[i],GPIO.LOW)
- else:
- GPIO.output(ports[i],GPIO.HIGH)
- # -------------------------------------------------- #
- # Initialization part #
- # -------------------------------------------------- #
- # Setup GPIOs
- # -------------------------------------------------- #
- # Main server part #
- # -------------------------------------------------- #
- # Instantiate the server on the port 8000, it starts immediately in its own thread
- server = webiopi.Server(port=8001, login="pi", password="pi")
- # or webiopi.Server(port=8000, passwdfile="/etc/webiopi/passwd")
- # Register the macros so you can call it with Javascript and/or REST API
- server.addMacro(turnWebcam)
- server.addMacro(turnLed)
- # -------------------------------------------------- #
- # Loop execution part #
- # -------------------------------------------------- #
- # Run our loop until CTRL-C is pressed or SIGTERM received
- webiopi.runLoop()
- # If no specific loop is needed and defined above, just use
- # webiopi.runLoop()
- # here instead
- # -------------------------------------------------- #
- # Termination part #
- # -------------------------------------------------- #
- # Cleanly stop the server
- server.stop()
复制代码执行python webiopi_custom.py 后启动GPIO REST API服务器 转动命令是:curl --data "" "http://pi:pi@raspberrypi2:8001/macros/turnWebcam/90,0 拍照命令是:/usr/bin/fswebcam -v -r 640x480 --no-banner /var/www/fswebcam/foo.jpg 于是我们可以用以下方法来实现连续拍摄: - 执行拍照命令, 生成right.jpg
- 顺时转80度
- 执行拍照命令, 生成middle.jpg
- 顺时转80度
- 执行拍照命令, 生成left.jpg
- 逆时针转160度归位
将命令通过网页执行后,就可以在外面看房间里的情况了,今天出去外面采草莓在iPhone上试了一下,结果符合预期。 拍摄图片效果在手机上看到的页面:点Reload会重新连拍三张
总共花了不到2小时就可以搞定这个了,还是非常好玩的~ 后面还可以用OpenCV库来合成照片到真正的全景图
出处:http://hugozhu.myalert.info/2013 ... -rotate-webcam.html