本帖最后由 Cherish. 于 2014-3-17 11:32 编辑
This 128×128 mini color LCD is a perfect match for the portable application. It is designed to repalce a broken screen in a cell phone. So the connector was not designed for multiple attachment/detachment. Please be gentle and handle with care. This inexpensive LCD comes with a powerful white LED backlight and a relatively simple serial interface. It’s a 9-bit interface, so beware. But we were able to get the LCD up and running on a LPC2138 with a few hours worth of work. Frame Dimensions: 1.35×1.58″ Active Display Dimensions: 1.2″x1.2″
- #include<NokiaLcd.h>
- // Enter the time below in 12-hr format
- #define HOURS 10
- #define MINUTES 21
- #define SECONDS 00
- #define AMPM 0 // enter 0 for AM, 1 for PM
- #define CLOCK_RADIUS 45 // radius of clock face
- #define CLOCK_CENTER 50 // If you adjust the radius, you'll probably want to adjust this
- #define H_LENGTH 25 // length of hour hand
- #define M_LENGTH 35 // length of minute hand
- #define S_LENGTH 43 // length of second hand
- #define BACKGROUND BLACK // room for growth, adjust the background color according to daylight
- #define C_COLOR RED // This is the color of the clock face, and digital clock
- #define H_COLOR BLUE // hour hand color
- #define M_COLOR GREEN // minute hand color
- #define S_COLOR YELLOW // second hand color
- PCF8833Lcd lcd = PCF8833Lcd(8,9,13,11);
- int hours, minutes, seconds, ampm;
- int buttonPins[3] = {3, 4, 5};
- void DrawClock(void)
- {
- /* Draw the circle */
- /* Print 12, 3, 6, 9, a lot of arbitrary values are used here
- for the coordinates. Just used trial and error to get them
- into a nice position. */
- lcd.PutStr("3", CLOCK_CENTER - 9, 66 + CLOCK_RADIUS - 12, C_COLOR, BACKGROUND);
- lcd.PutStr("9", CLOCK_CENTER - 9, 66 - CLOCK_RADIUS + 4, C_COLOR, BACKGROUND);
- }
- /*
- displayAnalogTime() draws the three clock hands in their proper
- position. Room for growth here, I'd like to make the clock hands
- arrow shaped, or at least thicker and more visible.
- */
- void DisplayAnalogTime(int h, int m, int s)
- {
- double midHours; // this will be used to slightly adjust the hour hand
- static int hx, hy, mx, my, sx, sy;
- /* Adjust time to shift display 90 degrees ccw
- this will turn the clock the same direction as text */
- h -= 3;
- m -= 15;
- s -= 15;
- if (h <= 0)
- h += 12;
- if (m < 0)
- m += 60;
- if (s < 0)
- s += 60;
- /* Delete old lines: */
- lcd.DrawLine(CLOCK_CENTER, 66, CLOCK_CENTER+sx, 66+sy, BACKGROUND); // delete second hand
- lcd.DrawLine(CLOCK_CENTER, 66, CLOCK_CENTER+mx, 66+my, BACKGROUND); // delete minute hand
- lcd.DrawLine(CLOCK_CENTER, 66, CLOCK_CENTER+hx, 66+hy, BACKGROUND); // delete hour hand
- /* Calculate and draw new lines: */
- s = map(s, 0, 60, 0, 360); // map the 0-60, to "360 degrees"
- sx = S_LENGTH * sin(3.14 * ((double) s)/180); // woo trig!
- sy = S_LENGTH * cos(3.14 * ((double) s)/180); // woo trig!
- lcd.DrawLine(CLOCK_CENTER, 66, CLOCK_CENTER+sx, 66+sy, S_COLOR); // print second hand
- m = map(m, 0, 60, 0, 360); // map the 0-60, to "360 degrees"
- mx = M_LENGTH * sin(3.14 * ((double) m)/180); // woo trig!
- my = M_LENGTH * cos(3.14 * ((double) m)/180); // woo trig!
- lcd.DrawLine(CLOCK_CENTER, 66, CLOCK_CENTER+mx, 66+my, M_COLOR); // print minute hand
- midHours = minutes/12; // midHours is used to set the hours hand to middling levels between whole hours
- h *= 5; // Get hours and midhours to the same scale
- h += midHours; // add hours and midhours
- h = map(h, 0, 60, 0, 360); // map the 0-60, to "360 degrees"
- hx = H_LENGTH * sin(3.14 * ((double) h)/180); // woo trig!
- hy = H_LENGTH * cos(3.14 * ((double) h)/180); // woo trig!
- lcd.DrawLine(CLOCK_CENTER, 66, CLOCK_CENTER+hx, 66+hy, H_COLOR); // print hour hand
- }
- /*
- displayDigitalTime() takes in values for hours, minutes, seconds
- and am/pm. It'll print the time, in digital format, on the
- bottom of the screen.
- */
- void DisplayDigitalTime(int h, int m, int s, int ap)
- {
- char timeChar[12];
- if (!ap)
- {
- sprintf(timeChar, "%.2d:%.2d:%.2d AM", h, m, s);
- }
- else
- {
- sprintf(timeChar, "%.2d:%.2d:%.2d PM", h, m, s);
- }
- /* Print the time on the clock */
- }
- /*
- setTime uses on-shield switches S1, S2, and S3 to set the time
- pressing S3 will exit the function. S1 increases hours, S2
- increases seconds.
- */
- void SetTime(void)
- {
- /* Reset the clock to midnight */
- seconds = 0;
- minutes = 0;
- hours = 12;
- ampm = 0;
- /* Draw the clock, so we can see the new time */
- DrawClock();
- DisplayAnalogTime(hours, minutes, seconds);
- DisplayDigitalTime(hours, minutes, seconds, ampm);
- while (!digitalRead(buttonPins[2]))
- ; // wait till they let go of S1
- /* We'll run around this loop until S3 is pressed again */
- while(digitalRead(buttonPins[2]))
- {
- /* If S1 is pressed, we'll update the hours */
- if (!digitalRead(buttonPins[0]))
- {
- hours++; // Increase hours by 1
- if (hours == 12)
- ampm ^= 1; // Flip am/pm if it's 12 o'clock
- if (hours >= 13)
- hours = 1; // Set hours to 1 if it's 13. 12-hour clock.
- /* and update the clock, so we can see it */
- DrawClock();
- DisplayAnalogTime(hours, minutes, seconds);
- DisplayDigitalTime(hours, minutes, seconds, ampm);
- }
- if (!digitalRead(buttonPins[1]))
- {
- minutes++; // Increase minutes by 1
- if (minutes >= 60)
- minutes = 0; // If minutes is 60, set it back to 0
- /* and update the clock, so we can see it */
- DrawClock();
- DisplayAnalogTime(hours, minutes, seconds);
- DisplayDigitalTime(hours, minutes, seconds, ampm);
- }
- }
- /* Once S3 is pressed, we'll exit, but not until it's released */
- while(!digitalRead(buttonPins[2]))
- ;
- }
- void setup() {
- // put your setup code here, to run once:
- byte x;
- byte y;
- /* Set up the button pins as inputs, set pull-up resistor */
- for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
- {
- pinMode(buttonPins[i], INPUT);
- digitalWrite(buttonPins[i], HIGH);
- }
- hours = HOURS;
- minutes = MINUTES;
- seconds = SECONDS;
- ampm = AMPM;
- /* Initialize the LCD, set the contrast, clear the screen */
- lcd.begin();
- lcd.Contrast(-63);
- lcd.ClearScring(BACKGROUND);
- DrawClock(); // Draw the clock face, this includes 12, 3, 6, 9
- DisplayAnalogTime(hours, minutes, seconds); // Draw the clock hands
- DisplayDigitalTime(hours, minutes, seconds, ampm); // Draw the digital clock text
- }
- void loop() {
- /* We'll run around checking for button presses,
- until it's been a second */
- while(millis() % 1000)
- {
- if (!digitalRead(buttonPins[2]))
- SetTime(); // If S3 was pressed, go set the time
- }
- /* We'll get here if it's been a second. We need to increase
- seconds by 1 and then go from there */
- seconds++;
- if (seconds >= 60)
- {
- seconds = 0; // If seconds is 60, set it back to 0
- minutes++; // and increase minutes by 1
- if (minutes >= 60)
- {
- minutes = 0; // If minutes is 60, set it back to 0
- hours++; // and increase hours by 1
- if (hours == 12)
- ampm ^= 1; // If it's 12 o'clock, flip ampm
- if (hours >= 13)
- hours = 1; // If hours is 13, set it to 1. 12-hr clock.
- }
- }
- /* Once each second, we'll redraw the clock with new values */
- DrawClock();
- DisplayAnalogTime(hours, minutes, seconds);
- DisplayDigitalTime(hours, minutes, seconds, ampm);
- }
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