forlinx_ok-g2lx 蓝牙功能测试 一、建立蓝牙连接 1. 开发板作为客户端被扫描连接 (1) root@okg2l:~# bluetoothctl //打开蓝牙设备 Agent registered [CHG] Controller 30:7B:C9:47:F8B Pairable: yes [bluetooth]# power on //启动蓝牙设备 [CHG] Controller 30:7B:C9:47:F8B Class: 0x00100000 Changing power on succeeded [CHG] Controller 30:7B:C9:47:F8B Powered: yes [bluetooth]# pairable on //设置为配对模式 Changing pairable on succeeded [bluetooth]# discoverable on //设置为可发现模式 Changing discoverable on succeeded [bluetooth]# agent on //启动** Agent is already registered [bluetooth]# default-agent //设置当前**为默认 Default agent request successful (2) 可以在手机蓝牙搜索中发现okg2l的设备 图1 在手机端点击此蓝牙尝试配对 图2 (3) 开发板端会弹出 [NEW] Device 94 0:0D:7E:8B:B6 Honor 8X Max Request confirmation [agent] Confirm passkey 223223 (yes/no): yes 手机端配对成功,建立连接 图3 (4) 建立连接以后,可以在开发板端查看和移除连接设备 [Honor 8X Max]# devices Device 94 0:0D:7E:8B:B6 Honor 8X Max [Honor 8X Max]# remove 94 0:0D:7E:8B:B6 Device has been removed 2. 开发板作为主机主动开启扫描 (1) [bluetooth]# scan on //开始搜索 [DEL] Device 31:30:08:FE:34:FF 31-30-08-FE-34-FF Discovery started [CHG] Device 94 0:0D:7E:8B:B6 LegacyPairing: no [CHG] Device 94 0:0D:7E:8B:B6 RSSI: -64 [CHG] Device 30:07:96:61:11:E7 RSSI: -70 [CHG] Device D8:32:E3:0F:4D:7D RSSI: -64 [NEW] Device 6D:85:3C:F7:67:10 6D-85-3C-F7-67-10 [CHG] Device 4A:6B:44:95:19:A9 RSSI: -80 [CHG] Controller 30:7B:C9:47:F8 B Class: 0x00000000 [DEL] Device 57 C:75:C0:57:54 57-DC-75-C0-57-54 [DEL] Device 63:B0:E8:CC:AE:F2 63-B0-E8-CC-AE-F2 [CHG] Device 94:D0:0D:7E:8B:B6 LegacyPairing: yes [CHG] Device 4A:CF:8C:E8:11:D8 RSSI: -66 [CHG] Device 44:C8:6D:60:66:E2 RSSI: -68 [CHG] Device 44:C8:6D:60:66:E2 TxPower: 12 [CHG] Device 94:D0:0D:7E:8B:B6 LegacyPairing: no [CHG] Device 6A:8D:AF:E6:16:4D RSSI: -80 [CHG] Device 4A:CF:8C:E8:11:D8 RSSI: -82 [CHG] Device 40:1C:83:3A:EB:60 RSSI: -74 [CHG] Device 78:43:2B:49:06:84 RSSI: -68 停止扫描 //停止搜索 [bluetooth]# scan off [bluetooth]# pair 94:D0:0D:7E:8B:B6 //配对蓝牙 Attempting to pair with 94:D0:0D:7E:8B:B6 [CHG] Device 94:D0:0D:7E:8B:B6 Connected: yes Request confirmation [agent] Confirm passkey 340274 (yes/no): yes [bluetooth]# devices //蓝牙配对成功 Device 94:D0:0D:7E:8B:B6 Honor 8X Max (2) 手机端弹出蓝牙配对界面 图4 二、文件传输 蓝牙连接成功以后,可以通过蓝牙进行文件传输 1. 开发板发送文件给手机 (1) 首先确认蓝牙已经连接 [bluetooth]# paired-devices Device 94:D0:0D:7E:8B:B6 Honor 8X Max (2) root@okg2l:~# obexctl //启动obecctl服务 [NEW] Client /org/bluez/obex (3) [obex]# connect 94:D0:0D:7E:8B:B6 //建立连接 Attempting to connect to 94:D0:0D:7E:8B:B6 [NEW] Session /org/bluez/obex/client/session0 [default] [NEW] ObjectPush /org/bluez/obex/client/session0 Connection successful (4) [94:D0:0D:7E:8B:B6]# send /home/forlinx/audio/test.mp3 //发送文件 Attempting to send /home/forlinx/audio/test.mp3 to /org/bluez/obex/client/session0 [NEW] Transfer /org/bluez/obex/client/session0/transfer0 Transfer /org/bluez/obex/client/session0/transfer0 Status: queued Name: test.mp3 Size: 4818092 Filename: /home/forlinx/audio/test.mp3 Session: /org/bluez/obex/client/session0 [CHG] Transfer /org/bluez/obex/client/session0/transfer0 Status: active [CHG] Transfer /org/bluez/obex/client/session0/transfer0 Transferred: 8046 (@8KB/s 09:57) [CHG] Transfer /org/bluez/obex/client/session0/transfer0 Transferred: 64599 (@56KB/s 01:24) [CHG] Transfer /org/bluez/obex/client/session0/transfer0 Transferred: 177705 (@113KB/s 00:41) [CHG] Transfer /org/bluez/obex/client/session0/transfer0 Transferred: 306969 (@129KB/s 00:34) [CHG] Transfer /org/bluez/obex/client/session0/transfer0 Transferred: 4411101 (@56KB/s 00:07) [CHG] Transfer /org/bluez/obex/client/session0/transfer0 Transferred: 4483812 (@72KB/s 00:04) [CHG] Transfer /org/bluez/obex/client/session0/transfer0 Transferred: 4548444 (@64KB/s 00:04) [CHG] Transfer /org/bluez/obex/client/session0/transfer0 Transferred: 4637313 (@88KB/s 00:02) [DEL] Client /org/bluez/obex [DEL] Session /org/bluez/obex/client/session0 [default] [DEL] ObjectPush /org/bluez/obex/client/session0 [DEL] Transfer /org/bluez/obex/client/session0/transfer0 [NEW] Client /org/bluez/obex [DEL] Client /org/bluez/obex [NEW] Client /org/bluez/obex //发送完毕 (5) 手机端弹出蓝牙接收信息 图5 2. 手机发送文件到开发板 (1) 要确保在连接状态传输 [obex]# connect 94:D0:0D:7E:8B:B6 Attempting to connect to 94:D0:0D:7E:8B:B6 [NEW] Session /org/bluez/obex/client/session0 [default] [NEW] ObjectPush /org/bluez/obex/client/session0 Connection successful (2) 手机通过蓝牙发送文件 图6 (3) 开发板接收完成 root@okg2l:~# ls -l /tmp/ total 4708 -rw------- 1 root root 4818092 Oct 26 11:49 test-1.mp3