We have a multiplexing CSI2 transmitter, which canmultiplex several data sources (e.g. 4 cameras) to a single CSI2 stream.Customers are forced to design a complex multiplexing means outside the IP core.
no other vendors have a multiplexing CSI2 transmitter.
我们的CSI2 Rx (vs. other vendors)
· Our CSI2 Rx IP cores (inparticular the SVRPlus-CSI2) allow handling of several pixels per clock cycles;this enables the user to use slower clock frequencies
· Our IP is the only oneto support 8-lane extended CSI2(目前全球,只有我们能提供支持8-lanes的CSI2 IP 核)
· we are one of the only 2 IP cores with MIPI IOL certificate(全球通过 MIPI IOL认证的这个IP有2家,我们是其中一家)