Globle and Mail报纸对Wikipedia的最高贡献者,一位来自加拿大的自由撰写者,Simon Pulsifer进行了采访。
Simon Pulsifer毕业于the University of Toronto,专攻历史专业,平时朋友和家人都管他叫“移动的百科全书"。在他上学的时候,除了每天日常的学习和工作外,每日都会在wiki上花6小时进行写作,编辑或者其他贡献 “即使我不写文章,我还是要在这几个小时内为wiki做点什么,我总是想让wiki这个网站越来越好…",Simon Pulsifer在采访中说道。
"I"m always doing something for Wikipedia, even when I"m not writing entries," he said from his home in Ottawa. "I"m always planning and thinking about how I can make the site better."
临近毕业的时候,Simon Pulsifer花了1年时间,平均每日在线由原来的6小时增加到了10小时为wiki进行撰写工作。由于他并不热爱体育或者其它业余活动,所以能获得更多的时间并贡献给wiki,面对这种无偿奉献,Simon Pulsifer是这么解释的,"I"m not paid for the work I do for Wikipedia. It doesn"t matter to me that I do it on a voluntary basis. I enjoy it. It"s important that people around the world have access to free, accurate and unbiased information. Wikipedia tries to do that, and it"s a very honourable and admirable goal."
现在 Simon Pulsifer 已经开始了全日制工作,但是他每天仍然花3小时为wiki做着贡献。他热爱这项工作,因为一种荣誉感和知名度,
Simon喜欢成为名人,所有人都知道他,"You write an article and you think you"ve made it as good as it can be and then you put it out there for everyone to see and edit. And within just a few minutes, you have started a dialogue over how best to represent a subject. It"s very exciting because my reputation is on the line."
后记:其实今天的网络上,类似无私的贡献者数不胜数,交互式贡献模式把我们都带入一个新的交流领域,无论理念如何实践与改进,贡献与荣誉始终并存。 |