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000-142 Exam
Test142.XML 1.1 and Related Technologies
科目名称:Test142.XML 1.1 and Related Technologies
相关分类:IBM certifications II
000-142 考试是 IBM 公司的 Test142.XML 1.1 and Related Technologies 认证考试官方代号,Test142.XML 1.1 and Related Technologies 认证作为全球IT领域专家 IBM 热门认证之一,是许多大中IT企业选择人才标准的必备条件。
随着 XML Schema 得到广泛采用以及用于各种用途,模式用户要求对 XML Schema 进行大量改进并提供新的功能。W3C XML 架构工作组开发了 XML Schema 1.1,可以满足最常见的用户要求,包括对 XML Schema 1.0 的一些缺陷的改进。
XML 1.1 和 XML 1.0 的主要区别是什么?
着手研究 XML 1.1 的初期,XML 核心工作组讨论了这种可能性:仅仅把 XML 的基础由 Unicode 2.0 改为 Unicode 所提供的最新版本(当时是 3.0),在原有的结构上再加上新的字符。但是,这只能是一种暂时性的解决方案,Unicode 在发布几个版本之后,核心工作组又会陷入同样的困境。因此,他们考虑了一种更加根本的方法:向前兼容。
和 XML 1.0 不同,XML 1.1 是和 Unicode 标准向前兼容的。就是说,它的定义使得今天开发的 XML 1.1 处理程序,即使文档中包含只有在将来的 Unicode 标准中才会分配的字符,也仍然能够处理。
这是如何做到的呢?简单地说,在 XML 1.0 中,像元素名这样的构造明确规定了允许的特定字符,而排除了其他任何字符。这样就排除了还没有分配的任何字符。XML 1.1 采用了相反的方法:除了特定字符外,它允许任何可能的字符。这些字符通常是对于 XML 处理程序有特殊含义的字符,比如左尖括号( < )或空格,以及可能造成问题的字符,如空字符。这种方法意味着,将来加入到 Unicode 中的字符实际上已经允许出现在元素名或者其他类似的构造中。
不过这种方法有一个很小的缺点。如果在 XML 1.1 文件中使用 Unicode 还没有分配的字符--即不对应任何实际的字符--XML 1.1 处理程序就会像它已经在 Unicode 中定义那样处理,甚至不会提出某种类型的警告。不过,最终的权衡是利大于弊,尤其是您事先不可能生成这样的字符,因为多数编辑工具根本不允许这样做。
XML 1.0 和 1.1 文档之间共享外部实体
一旦人们开始生成 XML 1.1 文档,越来越多的人会希望在 1.0 和 1.1 文档之间共享外部实体。XML 的特点之一是允许内容的重用,它提供了一种方式把内容保存在一个文件中,然后在另一个文件中包括这些内容。这种 XML 片段称为 外部实体。XML 1.1 的引入提出了一个问题,即如何在 XML 1.1 文档包括 XML 1.0 实体的混合环境中处理这些内容。为了简化起见,XML 1.1 规范指出,实体根据使用它们的文档来处理。实际上,这意味着在新的 XML 1.1 文档中仍然能够使用过去的 XML 1.0 实体,不需要转换或者复制以标记为 XML 1.1。唯一可能出现的问题是,如果向 XML 1.0 实体中增加了只能用于 XML 1.1 的字符,处理程序不会检测到它,仍将作为 XML 1.1 输入处理。但是,只有当您再作为 XML 1.0 文档的一部分使用该实体时才会出现问题。
Exam : IBM 000-142
Title : Test142.XML 1.1 and Related Technologies

1. What is the result of the following XSLT template if the value of k is the string 'foo'?

A. 'foo'
B. 'foo' (repeated until stack overflow)
C. 'foofoofoo'
D. 'foo foo foo'
Answer: C

2. Analyze the following XML and DTD fragments that implement ID, IDREF and IDREFS used to link manager and subordinate relationships. Where is the error in the implementation of this logic?


Bob Smith
Carol Jones
Keith Martin
Monica Williams

A. The subs IDREFS is formatted improperly for the second employee record.
B. The mgrid must be defined as "#REQUIRED" in the DTD.
C. The empid and mgrid attributes conflict as an element may only have a single ID attribute.
D. First two records are invalid as each employee record may have either empid or mgrid attribute, but not both.
Answer: C

3. XML data is stored and retrieved within a relational database for a data-centric application by means of mapping XML schema elements to database tables. There are concerns that the queries and updates to this database are slow due to the number of joins required in the SQL. What is the best option for improving the storage and retrieval of this XML data?
A. Transform XML documents into canonical form before persisting.
B. Modify the current XML schema by converting elements to attributes where possible and re-map to tables in order to reduce the number of tables and therefore the number of joins required.
C. Store the XML data as CLOBs without decomposing them into relational tables and provide an 'id' based lookup.
D. Modify the current XML schema by merging all of the XML documents into a main XML document and query using XPath.
Answer: BD

4. A developer wishes to make an XSLT template more robust by checking a parameter passed to it for errors and boundary conditions. The template accepts a parameter of type number. What condition will NOT have to be checked?
A. number greater than allowed range
B. value of 0
C. type of the parameter value
D. Integer numbers
Answer: C

5. Consider the following XML document:

Finding New World
Jone Smith

How to Programming
Tom Alston

An XML developer wants to generate a HTML document that lists the ID, title and author of a book in a HTML table. Which of the following stylesheets can achieve the desired result?




Answer: B

6. Given the following DTD line, which of the following XML documents is valid?

D.  ...
Answer: A

7. Calculating sub-totals from an XML document using XSL transformation requires special considerations. Which of the following options is the best solution to solve this problem?
A. Create a fragment variable containing the values to total, and then use the node-set() XSLT extension and the XPath "sum()" function to calculate the value.
B. Create a special XSLT variable that contains the results of an XPath query that performs a "sum()" of the values to be totaled.
C. Use XSLT recursion to define a variable value that calculates the "value-of" the elements to be sub-totaled.
D. Use XSLTC to precompile a custom Java translet that will extract the values to be totaled and returns the sum of those values. This return value is then used in an XSL variable for output.
Answer: A

8. What will the following XSLT snippet return, if the value of parameter i is "redivider"?

A. rreeddiivviiddeerr
B. rediv
C. redivider
D. rdvdr
Answer: C

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