from www.engadget.com
Nokia N 系列的 Palm OS 仿真器!
就这么回事。如果你手上刚好有 Nokia N770、N800 或 N810 这三只的其中一只的话,赶快去下载 Access 推出的 PalmOS Garnet 虚拟机器 Beta 吧!如此一来三万多个 Garnet (OS5)软件都可以在上头跑啰~更棒的是,似乎等正式版上市时,它仍然维持免费呢!
You read that headline right, now you can run a Palm OS Garnet VM on your Nokia N-series N770, N800, or N810 tablet.Access just released a beta copy of their Garnet Virtual Machinesoftware. Yes, Snappermail, DateBk5, Pocket Tunes, whatever -- all30,000+ Garnet applications are supported. Free to download now and free when it hits production status at the end of the year. Thanky thanky Access. |