为了在年终最后一个销售季度与索尼以及任天堂的竞争中取得好成绩,微软公司周一宣布降低Xbox 360在日本销售价格。
美国企业巨头微软公司日本分公司昨日表示:从11月1日起调整标准Xbox 360价格,调整幅度为12%(34800日元,约合303美元)。这是继8月份北美Xbox降价后,微软的又一次行动。
The US software giant'sJapanese unit said it would slash the price of the standard Xbox 360 byjust over 12 percent to 34,800 yen (303 dollars) from November 1. Themove follows markdowns in North America announced in August.
The price of the Xbox 360 "core system," a basic model without ahard-disk drive, will be cut by almost seven percent to 27,800 yen inJapan.
Microsoft will also sell a special set of the Xbox 360 console andtwo game software titles at 34,800 yen for a limited period of timebeginning on November 1, a company statement said.
The announcement comes two weeks after Sony said it would lower theprice of the standard PlayStation 3 in Japan by 10 percent to 44,980yen and introduce a new slimmed down PS3 for 39,980 yen.
The Xbox 360 had the advantage of being released a year beforeSony's PS3 and Nintendo's Wii, which both debuted in Japan in Novemberof last year.
While sales of the PS3 have been slower than expected due to itshefty price and a dearth of must-have exclusive game software for theconsoles, the Wii has been a hit, targeting people who do not usuallyplay video games. |