面对Google宣布的基于其操作系统的G Phone联盟计划,Palm, Symbian, Nokia, Microsoft以及Apple都说他们不认为Google的OHA对他们构成什么威胁:
- 微软酸酸地说,他们无非就是把一堆人凑在一起做一个电话,这事我们已经做了5年了。
- Symbian则不屑一顾,我们有真正的电话,有真正的电话平台,这么多年来还卖了无数。言下之意看不起这个半路杀出来的愣小子。
- 刚刚占据一个山头的Apple还算比较平和:我们是兄弟,我们还将是重要的合作伙伴。
Apple, Google两股新生的力量必将改变旧的手机王朝的格局,他们要么变革,要么被推翻,历史证明群众的力量是巨大的,如果这些传统的手机统治者真的认为Google的OHA不过SoSo, 他们迟早会吃大亏的。
Symbian, Nokia, Microsoft and Apple downplay Android relevance
Palm's not the only company that isn't afraid to speak out on the Open Handset Alliance.Nokia, Microsoft and Symbian made it most clear today that they don'tperceive danger from the new initiative and corresponding Android OS,with Nokia stating it quite bluntly: "We don't see this as a threat."Microsoft was a bit more on the defensive. "It really sounds that theyare getting a whole bunch of people together to build a phone andthat's something we've been doing for five years," said Scott Horn,from Microsoft's Windows Mobile marketing team. "I don't understand theimpact that they are going to have." The Symbian folks stated theobvious: "If Google was not involved the industry would have justyawned and rolled over," said John Forsyth of Symbian. "We take itseriously but we are the ones with real phones, real phone platformsand a wealth of volume built up over years." UIQ was a bit moreoptimistic about the OHA, saying that "Generally, it's positive for theindustry." Apple wasn't as commital either way. "We have a greatrelationship with Google and this doesn't change anything," said Applespokeswoman Natalie Kerris. "They are certainly an important partnerfor iPhone." |