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Etap.PowerStation.v7.5-ISO 电力分析计算



发表于 2013-9-30 12:03:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Etap.PowerStation.v7.5-ISO   电力分析计算
ETAP 是一个用于发电、输电、配电和工业电力系统的设计、仿真和运行的综合分析软件。从浅显易懂的短路计算到高级暂态稳定性研究,ETAP是可用的最灵活的全面的综合解决方案。
遍布全球数以万计的公司的工程师、操作员和管理者信任和使用ETAP。ETAP是唯一有影响力的、被广泛接受和稳固确定的、具有分析模块和设备库数据完全检验和验证的并且遵循核工业质量认证标准和规则的电气工程软件。 ETAP的校验和验证过程是相当广泛的,由数以千计的包括每个计算模块、用户界面、报告、画图和设备库数据的测试案例组成。
ETAP 7.5 adds a broad and robust set of new features and enhancements including new analysis modules, time-saving capabilities as well as faster processing time.
ETAP 7.5 is compatible with Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2003, and Windows 2003 R2. ETAP will no longer be supported in Windows 2000.

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Here is a short list of new features included in the ETAP 6.0 release:
New Features
Elements & Libraries
Differential Relay
In-Line Overload Relay
Maintenance Mode Setting
Analysis Modules
Cable Ampacity - British Standard 7671
Cable Sizing - Motor Starting Voltage
Short Circuit Duty - Single-Phase Systems
Short Circuit Duty - Panel Systems
Short Circuit Duty - UPS Systems
Data Exchange
Output Report Data Comparator
Enhanced Features
One-Line Diagram
Graphical Undo & Redo
Graphical Alignment Tools
Group Rotation
Element Mirroring & Polarity
Coloring Based on Voltage Level
Voltage Propagation (Single-Phase)
User-Defined Symbol Text
Analysis Modules
Load Flow
Arc Flash
Transient Stability
Star Time Current Characteristics
Star Sequence-of-Operation
Data Exchange
DataX - Base

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