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发表于 2007-7-11 13:04:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
;                   8x8 Software Multiplier
;               ( Code Efficient : Looped Code )
;   The 16 bit result is stored in 2 bytes
; Before calling the subroutine " mpy ", the multiplier should
; be loaded in location " mulplr ", and the multiplicand in
; " mulcnd " . The 16 bit result is stored in locations
; H_byte & L_byte.
;       Performance :
;                       Program Memory  :  15 locations
;                       # of cycles     :  71
;                       Scratch RAM     :   0 locations
;  This routine is optimized for code efficiency ( looped code )
;  For time efficiency code refer to "mult8x8F.asm" ( straight line code )
mulcnd  equ     09      ; 8 bit multiplicand
mulplr  equ     10      ; 8 bit multiplier
H_byte  equ     12      ; High byte of the 16 bit result
L_byte  equ     13      ; Low byte of the 16 bit result
count   equ     14      ; loop counter
 include         "picreg.h"
; *****************************         Begin Multiplier Routine
mpy_S   clrf    H_byte
 clrf    L_byte
 movlw   8
 movwf   count
 movf    mulcnd,w
 bcf     STATUS,CARRY    ; Clear the carry bit in the status Reg.
loop    rrf     mulplr
 addwf   H_byte,Same
 rrf     H_byte,Same
 rrf     L_byte,Same
 decfsz  count
 goto    loop
 retlw   0
;               Test Program
main    movlw   0FF
 movwf   mulplr          ; multiplier (in mulplr) = 0FF
 movlw   0FF             ; multiplicand(W Reg )   = 0FF
 movwf   mulcnd
 call    mpy_S           ; The result 0FF*0FF = FE01 is in locations
;                               ; H_byte & L_byte
self    goto    self
 org     01FF
 goto    main

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发表于 2007-7-31 13:14:53 | 显示全部楼层


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