目录前言 top命令 htop命令 ps命令 free命令 vmstat命令 iosat命令 netstat命令 df命令 du命令
前言一般来说,Linux性能调优涉及CPU、内存和 IO,包括进程、线程、程序堆栈、内存、Swap、CPU调度、内存调度、网络连接和IO读写等。 本文介绍了Linux查看资源使用情况和性能调优常用的命令,包括top、htop、ps、free、vmstat、iostat、netstat、df和du命令。 top命令top命令用来监控系统的资源使用情况,包括CPU、内存、Swap、进程和线程等。 命令: # 运行top
# 显示进程的完整命令
top -c
推荐使用下面的htop命令来代替top命令。 htop命令htop命令用来监控系统的资源使用情况,包括CPU、内存、Swap、进程和线程等。相比top命令,htop命令更能更强大,显示也更加直观。 命令: # 运行htop
概要信息说明: - CPU使用率:数字1、2、...表示CPU有几个核,后面的进度条用不同颜色来表示不同维度的CPU使用率,最后是CPU使用率;
- 内存使用率:Mem后面的进度条用不同颜色来表示不同维度的内存使用率(绿色:used,蓝色:buffers,橙色:cache),最后是内存使用率(used / total);
- Swap使用率:Swap后面的进度条显示已用的Swap,最后是Swap使用率(used / total),如果系统关闭了Swap,则进度条为空,Swap使用率为0K/0K;
- 进程和线程统计:Tasks:进程数,thr:线程数,running:正在运行的进程数;
- 系统平均负载统计:Load average:前1分钟平均负载、前5分钟平均负载和前15分钟平均负载;负载越低说明CPU越空闲,负载越高说明CPU越忙:
- 负载低于0.7 * CPU核数:CPU使用率正常;(道路通畅)
- 负载高于0.7 * CPU核数:CPU使用率较高,需要关注;(道路堵车,需要交警到场疏导交通)
- 负载高于1 * CPU核数:CPU使用率过高,需要关注;(道路严重堵车,可能发生了交通事故,需要交警马上到现场处理)
- 负载高于5 * CPU核数:系统超负荷运转,无法正常响应;(交通瘫痪,可能道路已经被水淹无法通行,需要投入抢险力量恢复交通)
- 系统已连续运行时间:Uptime后面为系统从上次启动后,已连续运行时间,可以倒推系统上次启动时间;
详细信息说明: - PID:进程ID;
- USER:进程所有者;
- PRI:进程优先级;
- NI:nice值,负值表示高优先级,正值表示低优先级;
- VIRT:进程使用的虚拟内存(virtual memory);
- RES:进程使用的物理内存(physical memory);
- SHR:进程使用的共享内存(shared memory);
- S:进程状态,R(Running)正在运行的进程、S(Sleeping)休眠的进程、T/S(Traced/Stopped) 已停止或中止的进程 或 Z(Zommbie)僵尸进程;
- CPU%:进程使用的CPU时间百分比;
- MEM%:进程使用的内存百分比;
- TIME+:进程已连续运行时间;
- Command:进程的执行命令;
常用快捷键: - 上下箭头:上下滚动查看进程;
- u:显示指定用户的进程;
- P:按照进程使用的CPU时间百分比排序;
- M:按照进程使用的内存百分比排序;
- T:按照进程已连续运行时间排序;
参考: - https://linuxtogether.org/htop-command-explanation/
- https://www.softprayog.in/tutorials/htop-command-in-linux
- https://scoutapm.com/blog/understanding-load-averages
- htop官网
ps命令# 查看java进程
# e(every) 所有进程
# f(full format) 完整输出格式
ps -ef | grep nginx
# 不显示grep本身
ps -ef | grep nginx | grep -v grep
# 获取指定进程的PID
ps -ef | grep java | grep jenkins | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'
# 根据进程的PID中止进程
ps -ef | grep java | grep jenkins | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
# 查看进程堆栈
# p(path) 显示完整路径
pmap <pid> -p
# 查看9091端口是哪个容器进程
docker ps | grep 9091
ps -ef格式: - UID:进程的UID(用户)
- PID:进程ID
- PPID:父进程ID
- C:CPU使用时间百分比
- CMD:启动进程的命令
free命令free命令用来查看内存和Swap的使用情况。 命令: # 以适合阅读的形式输出(h: human)
free -h
# 以MB格式输出(m: MB)
free -m
# 合计Mem和Swap(t: total)
free -h -t
# 统计3次,每秒1次(c: count)
free -h -c 3
# 统计5次,每2秒统计1次(s: second)
free -h -t -c 5 -s 2
说明: - Total: The amount of RAM installed in your system.
- Used: Equal to Total-(Free+Buffers+Cache).
- Free: The amount of memory completely unused by anything.
- Shared: Memory taken by the tmpfs file systems.
- Buffer: The data structures that are maintained to provide an index for everything stored in Cache.
- Cache: Data read from the hard drive, modified data waiting to be written back to the hard drive, and other computed values.
- Available: What’s really free. An estimate of the memory in Free, Buffer, and Cache that could be used to satisfy a memory request.
简单来说,total是系统总内存,used就是系统已用内存,total - used 就是系统可用内存。 参考: - https://www.howtogeek.com/456943/how-to-use-the-free-command-on-linux/
vmstat命令vmstat命令用来统计进程、内存、Swap、IO和CPU等信息。 命令: # 运行vmstat
# 每5秒统计1次
vmstat 5
# 每5秒统计1次,共统计4次
vmstat 5 4
# 以MB格式输出内存使用情况
vmstat 5 4 -S M
# 显示统计概要信息
vmstat -s
说明: Proc - r: The number of runnable processes. These are processes that have been launched and are either running or are waiting for their next time-sliced burst of CPU cycles.
- b: The number of processes in uninterruptible sleep. The process isn’t sleeping, it is performing a blocking system call, and it cannot be interrupted until it has completed its current action. Typically the process is a device driver waiting for some resource to come free. Any queued interrupts for that process are handled when the process resumes its usual activity.
Memory - swpd: the amount of virtual memory used. In other words, how much memory has been swapped out.,
- free: the amount of idle (currently unused) memory.
- buff: the amount of memory used as buffers.
- cache: the amount of memory used as cache.
Swap - si: Amount of virtual memory swapped in from swap space.
- so: Amount of virtual memory swapped out to swap space.
IO - bi: Blocks received from a block device. The number of data blocks used to swap virtual memory back into RAM.
- bo: Blocks sent to a block device. The number of data blocks used to swap virtual memory out of RAM and into swap space.
System - in: The number of interrupts per second, including the clock.
- cs: The number of context switches per second. A context switch is when the kernel swaps from system mode processing into user mode processing.
CPU These values are all percentages of the total CPU time. - us: Time spent running non-kernel code. That is, how much time is spent in user time processing and in nice time processing.
- sy: Time spent running kernel code.
- id: Time spent idle.
- wa: Time spent waiting for input or output.
- st: Time stolen from a virtual machine. This is the time a virtual machine has to wait for the hypervisor to finish servicing other virtual machines before it can come back and attend to this virtual machine.
参考: - https://www.howtogeek.com/424334/how-to-use-the-vmstat-command-on-linux/
- https://www.tecmint.com/linux-performance-monitoring-with-vmstat-and-iostat-commands/
iosat命令iostat命令用来统计磁盘IO和CPU等信息。 命令: # 运行iostat
# 以MB格式输出
iostat -m
# 查看指定磁盘(分区)
iostat -m -p vda
# 每2秒统计一次,共统计3次
iostat -m 2 3
说明: CPU信息: - %user : It shows the percentage of CPU being utilization that while executing at the user level.
- %nice : It shows the percentage of CPU utilization that occurred while executing at the user level with a nice priority.
- %system : It shows the percentage of CPU utilization that occurred while executing at the system (kernel) level.
- %iowait : It shows the percentage of the time that the CPU or CPUs were idle during which the system had an outstanding disk I/O request.
- %steal : It shows the percentage of time being spent in involuntary wait by the virtual CPU or CPUs while the hypervisor was servicing by another virtual processor.
- %idle : It shows the percentage of time that the CPU or CPUs were idle and the system did not have an outstanding disk I/O request.
磁盘信息: - Device : The device/partition name is listed in /dev directory.
- tps : The number of transfers per second that were issued to the device. Higher tps means the processor is busier.
- Blk_read/s : It shows the amount of data read from the device expressed in a number of blocks (kilobytes, megabytes) per second.
- Blk_wrtn/s : The amount of data written to the device expressed in a number of blocks (kilobytes, megabytes) per second.
- Blk_read : It shows the total number of blocks read.
- Blk_wrtn : It shows the total number of blocks written.
参考: - https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/iostat-command-in-linux-with-examples/
- https://www.techrepublic.com/article/how-to-use-the-linux-iostat-command-to-check-on-your-storage-subsystem/
netstat命令netstat命令用来统计网络连接和端口等信息。 命令: # 显示在侦听的TCP/UDP网络连接,包括程序和端口信息
# u(UDP)
# t(TCP)
# n(port)
# l(listen)
# p(program)
netstat -utnlp
# 只显示在侦听的TCP网络连接,包括程序和端口信息
netstat -tnlp
# 查看某个端口被哪个进程使用
# a(all)
netstat -anp | grep 6379
# 查看某个进程在哪个端口
netstat -anp | grep redis
# 查看docker启动的进程在哪个端口
docker ps | grep jenkins
df命令df命令用来统计磁盘使用情况。 命令: # 查看全部文件系统的磁盘使用情况
df -h
# 查看指定目录所在的文件系统的磁盘使用情况
df -h ~
# 不显示docker文件系统
df -h | grep -v docker
du命令du命令用来统计指定目录的大小。 命令: # 统计某个目录大小
du -sh ~
# 统计目录下各个子目录和文件的大小
du -h ~
# 统计目录下各个子目录和文件的大小,并显示合计大小
du -ch ~
# 只统计下一级目录大小
du -h --max-depth 1
# 只统计下一级目录大小,单位为MB,从大到小排序
du -m --max-depth 1 | sort -rn
# 只统计下一级目录大小,单位为MB,从大到小排序,返回最大的10个文件(目录)
du -m --max-depth 1 | sort -rn | head -11