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ESP32-PICO-KIT V4 Mini 开发板



发表于 2018-3-28 10:25:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
ESP32-PICO-KIT V4是由Espressif生产的迷你开发板。这款主板的核心是ESP32-PICO-D4,一款具有完整Wi-Fi和蓝牙功能的系统级封装(SIP)模块。与其他ESP32芯片相比,ESP32-PICO-D4将多个外围设备集成在一个封装中,不需要单独安装。 其中包含一个40 MHz晶体振荡器,4 MB闪存,滤波电容和射频匹配链路。 这样大大减少额外部件的数量和成本,同时也降低组装和测试成本以及整体产品复杂性。开发板集成了 USB- JTAG 调试器,用户可以直接将开发板连接到PC的USB端口进行下载和调试。为方便测试,ESP32-PICO-D4上所有的IO口信号以及系统电源都通过板载的2*20pin焊盘引出,同时为了方便与现有的迷你面包板连接,ESP32-PICO-KIT V4套件只引出了其中的2*17pin排针引脚,另外分布在天线两侧的2*3pin的焊盘未通过排针引出,留给用户自行处理。功能
  • ESP32-PICO-D4
Standard ESP32-PICO-D4 module soldered to the ESP32-PICO-KIT V4 board. The complete system of the ESP32 chip has been integrated into the SIP module, requiring only external antenna with LC matching network, decoupling capacitors and pull-up resistors for EN signals to function properly.
  • LDO
5V-to-3.3V Low dropout voltage regulator (LDO).
  • USB-UART Bridge
A single chip USB-UART bridge provides up to 1 Mbps transfers rates.
  • Micro USB Port
USB interface. It functions as the power supply for the board and the communication interface between PC and ESP32-PICO-KIT V4.
  • 5V Power On LED
This light emitting diode lits when the USB or an external 5V power supply is applied to the board. For details see schematic in Related Documents.
  • I/O
All the pins on ESP32-PICO-D4 are broken out to the pin headers on the board. Users can program ESP32 to enable multiple functions such as PWM, ADC, DAC, I2C, I2S, SPI, etc. For details please see section Pin Descriptions.
  • BOOT Button
Holding down the Boot button and pressing the EN button initiates the firmware download mode. Then user can download firmware through the serial port.
  • EN Button
Reset button; pressing this button resets the system.

ESP32-PICO-D4 Datasheet.pdf

716.72 KB, 下载次数: 1

ESP32-PICO-KIT V4 schematic.pdf

1.43 MB, 下载次数: 1


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