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Arduino MKRFOX1200开发板



发表于 2018-1-23 10:39:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
MKRFOX1200是一款功能强大的电路板,结合了Zero和SigFox连接功能。 对于想要设计物联网项目的制造商来说在低功耗设备的联网方面是一个理想的解决方案。Arduino MKRFOX1200 Development Board is designed to offer a practical and cost effective solution for Makers seeking to easily add Sigfox connectivity to their projects. Based on the Microchip SAMD21 32-bit Arm® Cortex®-M0+ Microcontroller and the Atmel ATA8520 single-chip Sigfox RF transmitter, this compact, low-power board features the same form factor (67mm x 25mm) as the Arduino MKR1000 board. The MKRFOX1200 offers a rich set of I/O interfaces, low power Sigfox communication, and the ease of use of the Arduino Software Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for code development and programming. All these features make the MKRFOX1200 Development Board and ideal choice for battery-powered Internet of Things (IoT) projects in a compact form factor.The MKRFOX1200 Board can be powered by an external power pack using 2 "AA" or "AAA" batteries, and can operate for up to six months with typical usage. The Board can also be powered via a USB power source. Switching from one source to the other is done automatically. An onboard Micro U.FL connector is provided to allow connection to an external GSM Antenna.Arduino MKRFOX1200 includes a 2-year free subscription to the Sigfox network (up to 140 messages per day), as well as free access to the Sigfox Spot’it Geolocation Service. Unlike traditional IoT geolocation services, Spot’it does not require any additional hardware, software, or energy, meaning there is no impact on design or operating cost.Specifications
  • Microcontroller: Microchip SAMD21 32-bit Arm Cortex-M0+       
  • Transceiver: Microchip/Atmel ATA8520       
  • Board power supply (USB/VIN): 5V       
  • Supported batteries: 2x "AA" or 2x "AAA"       
  • Circuit operating voltage: 3.3V       
  • Digital I/O pins: 8       
  • PWM pins: 12       
  • UART: 1       
  • SPI: 1       
  • I2C: 1       
  • Analog input pins: 7 (ADC 8/10/12 bit)       
  • Analog output pins: 1 (DAC 10 bit)       
  • External interrupts: 8

  • DC current per I/O pin: 7mA       
  • Flash Memory: 256KB       
  • SRAM: 32KB       
  • Clock Speed: 32.768kHz (RTC), 48MHz       
  • LEDs: 6       
  • USB: Full-Speed USB and embedded host       
  • Antenna connection: Micro U.FL connector       
  • Carrier frequency: 868MHz       
  • Working region: EU (RCZ1)       
  • Lenght: 67.64mm       
  • Width: 25mm       
  • Weight: 32gm       
  • RoHS Compliant

ARDUINO MKR FOX 1200 Datasheet.pdf

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