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发表于 2018-1-3 11:06:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
低功耗的可见光谱传感器AS7262和近红外光谱传感器AS7263均提供六个校准光谱通道。据开发人员介绍,多光谱传感器能够为广泛的消费和实际领域应用提供新的检测和使用途径,例如材料和产品鉴定、产品质量与完整性评估以及近红外和可见光波段的材料分析。AS7262和AS7263两款型号传感器的推出打开了芯片级光谱分析的大门,预示着光谱传感技术革新时代的到来。”集成智能功能的六通道可见光传感器AS7262通过I2C或者UART接口实现标准的数字信号输出。可以实现可见光波段六个波长的光强度测量:450nm、500nm、550nm、570nm、600nm及650nm。AS7263传感器工作在近红外波段,可以检测610nm、680nm、730nm、760nm、810nm和860nm处的红外光谱特征。这两款芯片都配备了LED驱动电路的电子快门,因此开发者利用单个芯片便可以实现光源强度的精确控制和光谱感测功能。The AS726x Demo Kit is a Windows PC-hosted evaluation environment, designed to provide the user an quick-start approach to spectral sensing. The Demo Kit consists of the Intelligent Spectral Interface (iSPI) board, USB/FTDI cable, and a USB stick which includes drivers, documentation and graphical user interface. The iSPI board is jumper selectable for either I2C or UART interface access via the USB/FTDI cable connection. The I2C interface presents a traditional register based device interface, while the UART interface allows high-level command access to the AS726x device features. The iSPI board includes unpopulated device pads for the installation of standard LED light sources suited to the specific spectral needs of the application. By default, the LED pads are unpopulated.Features
  • Compact 6-channel spectrometry solution
    • 6 visible channels: 450nm, 500nm, 550nm, 570nm, 600nm, and 650nm, each with 40nm FWHM
  • Simple text-based command interface via UART, or direct register read & write with interrupt on sensor ready option on I2C
    • UART or I2C slave digital interface
  • Lifetime-calibrated sensing with minimal drift over time or temperature
    • Visible filter set realized by silicon interference filters
  • No additional signal conditioning required
    • 16-bit ADC with digital access
  • Electronic shutter control/synchronization
    • Programmable LED drivers
  • Low voltage operation
    • 2.7V to 3.6V with I2C interface
  • Small, robust package, with built-in aperture
    • 20-pin LGA package 4.5mm x 4.7mm x 2.5mm       
    • -40ºC to 85ºC temperature range

  • Portable spectrometry       
  • Horticulture       
  • Color matching and identification       
  • Authentication and brand protection       
  • Precision color tuning/calibration

AS726x-iSPI Evaluation Kit User Guide.pdf

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