Silicon Labs SLEXP4320A WGM110 Wi-Fi扩展套件是用于SLSTK3401A 和SLSTK3402A入门套件的附加板,可开发采用Wi-Fi的云联网应用。 该套件基于符合802.11b/g/n标准的WGM110 Wi-Fi模块。 WGM110具有内置天线,用于简易Wi-Fi开发以及制造功能性应用。Hardware and Software FeaturesExpansion Kit Contents:
- Expansion board with a radio board socket
- WGM110 radio board
- Getting started card
Expansion Kit Features:
- Fun and visual demo
- Easy way to connect to the cloud
- Full reference design with our new PG1 and PG12 devices
- Home Automation: Control panels, sensor nodes, smart door locks, appliances
- Fitness: Smart scales
- Metering: In-home displays
- Industrial: Remote wireless user interface access, device management