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Semtech TS81000无线充电开发板



发表于 2017-11-21 11:16:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Semtech TSDMRX-5V / 10W-EVM是基于Semtech TS81000无线充电接收器通信和控制单元进行无线充电接收机测试和实验的评估平台,用于无线充电应用。TS51111是全集成式同步整流器,SC414是6A集成式FET稳压器。 这个评估模块为Qi和PMA标准的功率接收器提供了一个完整的系统解决方案,使得这个接收器成为当今大多数无线发射器供电的理想平台。TS51111 is a fully-integrated synchronous rectifier for wireless charging applications with additional integrated components to minimize system BOM.TS81000 is a power receiver communications and control unit for wireless charging applications. The TS81000 can support Qi compliant, PMA compliant and proprietary applications. The TS81000 performs the necessary coding of packets to send commands to the transmitter to adjust the power level accordingly. All the necessary function components occupy a 16mmX25mm of PCB area. EVB Jumper introduction
  •  J1 is coil connector;       
  •  J2 is input connector, micro-USB connector is used. Micro-USB is selected firstly when there are both micro-USB connector input and Tx board wireless charge input.       
  •  J3 and J4 are output connectors in parallel, J3 is for USB output, and J4 for output current up to 2A.       
  •  J5,J6 is programme updated for TS51111 connector, and normally not used.

TSDMRX-5V10W-EVM Datasheet.pdf

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