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Feather M0 Bluefruit LE



发表于 2017-5-9 17:34:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Adafruit Feather M0 Bluefruit LE为带内置USB和电池充电功能的一体式Arduino兼容蓝牙低能耗开发板。该板采用ATSAMD21G18 ARM Cortex M0处理器,能够在最大48MHz时钟频率和3.3V逻辑电源下运行。此处理器具有256K闪存、32K RAM和内置USB,因此还具有USB转串行编程和调试功能。Adafruit Feather M0 Bluefruit LE is an all-in-one Arduino-compatible and Bluetooth Low Energy development board with built-in USB and battery charging. The board features ATSAMD21G18 ARM Cortex M0 processor clocked at 48 MHz and at 3.3V logic. The development board's chip offers 256K of flash and 32K of RAM. The built-in USB provides USB-to-Serial program and debug capability. To support portable projects, the board includes a connector for Adafruit 3.7V lithium polymer batteries and built-in battery charging.The board also features the Bluefruit BTLE module and two status indicator LEDs. The Bluefruit serves as a data pipe to transparently transmit back and forth from the iOS or Android device. Designers can use Adafruit’s iOS App, Android App. They can also write their own app to communicate with the UART service. Thanks to an easy-to-learn AT command set, designers have full control over how the device behaves. This includes the ability to define and manipulate GATT Services and Characteristics. Full control also includes the ability to change the way that the device identifies itself for other Bluetooth Low Energy devices. Designers can also use the AT commands to query the die temperature, check the battery voltage, and more.Features
  • Measures 2.0" x 0.9" x 0.28" (51mm x 23mm x 8mm) without headers soldered in       
  • Weight 5.7 grams       
  • ATSAMD21G18 @ 48MHz with 3.3V logic/power       
  • No EEPROM       
  • 3.3V regulator with 500mA peak current output       
  • USB native support, comes with USB bootloader and serial port debugging       
  • 20 GPIO pins       
  • Hardware Serial, hardware I²C, hardware SPI support       
  • 8 PWM pins       
  • 10 analog inputs       
  • 1 analog output       
  • Built-in 100mA lipoly charger with charging status indicator LED       
  • Pin #13 red LED for general purpose blinking       
  • Power/enable pin       
  • 4 mounting holes       
  • Reset button

Adafruit Feather M0 Bluefruit LE User's Guide.pdf

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