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Raspberry Pi电源管理伺服驱动器



发表于 2017-3-2 13:29:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
树莓派是一个神奇的小电脑板,但是有一点它在控制直流伺服电机方面不是很好,这些电机需要明确的和重复性定时脉冲来设置位置。它增加了以完美的时序控制16个伺服的能力。它也可以做到高达1.6 KHz的12位精度的PWM,都完全自由运行。Adafruit 16通道12位PWM /伺服HAT通过I2C驱动最多16个伺服或PWM输出,仅有2个引脚。板载PWM控制器将同时驱动所有16个通道,无需额外的Raspberry Pi进行处理。此外,你可以堆叠其中62个,以控制多达992个伺服 - 所有与相同的2针。Best of all, we even have a Python library you can use, so you'll be up and running instantly, to make your robotic creation com to life. The Adafruit PWM/Servo HAT is the perfect solution for any project that requires a lot of servos or PWM outputs! Please check out Adafruit's detailed tutorial for lots more information including diagrams, schematics, installation instructions and moreEach order comes with a Servo HAT, a 2-pin terminal block, four 3x4 headers and a 2x20 socket header. You'll need to do some light through-hole soldering to attach the headers onto the HAT circuit board, but its easy to do with basic soldering tools like a soldering iron and rosin core electronics solder. If you would like to stack multiple HATs onto one Pi, you can also pick up a 2x20 stacking header and a set of right-angle 3x4 headers that should be soldered on instead.

Adafruit 16-Channel PWM-Servo HAT for Raspberry Pi User Guide.pdf

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