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发表于 2016-6-28 09:43:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
nRF51加密狗是生产用于nRF51系列SoC的智能蓝牙,ANT和2.4GHz应用程序的开发工具。它有一个标准的USB连接器,并且可以直接插入个人计算机的USB端口。The nRF51 Dongle supports standard Nordic tool-chain software with Segger J-Link OB Program/ Debug and also ARM® mbed software. Additionally there is a user-programmable RGB LED and 6 solder pads for GPIO/ interface connections.The nRF51 Dongle can be used as a useful and highly costeffective Bluetooth Smart packet sniffer using Nordic nRFSniffer software allowing detailed data related to Bluetooth Smart communication to be captured and analyzed. Using the Master Emulator firmware and the Master Control Panel Software it enables setting up of a peer device that you can use to test the connection of your application.KEY FEATURES
  •  Supports Bluetooth Smart, ANT and 2.4GHz development       
  •  Supports nRF Sniffer - Bluetooth Smart protocol sniffing firmware       
  •  Supports Master Emulator – Bluetooth Smart Peer connection firmware       
  • Virtual COM port interface through UART       
  • Segger J-Link OB and ARM CMSIS-DAP Program/ Debug supported       
  •  ARM mbed enabled       
  •  Drag and drop MSD programming       
  •  User-programmable RGB LED       
  •  6 solder pads for GPIO/interface connections

nRF51 Dongle Datasheet.pdf

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