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发表于 2016-6-6 09:40:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
iCE40 Ultra FPGA相比其他可选的微控制器封装尺寸减少60%。不仅如此,iCE40 Ultra FPGA还支持低功耗待机模式,适用于“永远在线”功能,对于充一次电就要工作好几天的可穿戴设备来说是最为理想的选择。iCE40 Ultra可穿戴设备开发平台包含的硬件功能和传感器包括1个1.54英寸显示屏、MEMS麦克风、高亮度LED、红外LED (IR LED)、BLE模块和32Mb闪存。该平台还支持可测量心率和血氧饱和度(SpO2)、皮肤温度和压力的传感器,以及加速计和陀螺仪。该平台外观为腕表形(1.5英寸宽x 1.57英寸长x 0.87英寸高),并配有腕带和内置电池。FeaturesThe iCE40 Ultra Wearable Development Platform includes:
  •  iCE40 Ultra Wearable Development Platform Main Board:
    •  iCE40 Ultra (iCE5LP-4K-SWG36) device in a 36-ball WLCSP package       
    •  MachXO2 (LCMXO2-2000ZE-1UWG49) device in a 49-ball WLCSP package       
    •  High-current IR, White, and RGB LEDs       
    • Stereo Microphones       
    •  Connector and driver circuitry for MIPI DSI Display       
    •  Headers for I2C, SPI, and UART       
    •  Mini-USB programming connection       
    •  Battery charger       
    •  RoHS-compliant packaging and process
  •  iCE40 Ultra Wearable Development Platform Sensor Board:
    •  Bluetooth Low-Energy Module       
    •  Heart-rate/SpO2 Sensor and Analog Front End       
    •  Skin temperature sensor       
    •  Pressure sensor       
    •  Accelerometer/Gyroscope       
    •  Pads for soldering on battery (charger accepts Li-Ion and Li-Po)
  •   Syma 652030 Battery – 3.7 V, 250 mAh Lithium-Polymer Battery provides power while the USB cable is disconnected       
  •   LG LH154Q01 Display– 240x240 Single Lane MIPI DSI Display. Must be attached prior to power-up       
  •   USB Connector Cable– A mini-USB port provides power and a programming interface for the board • Watch Strap – A watch strap comes pre-attached to the Sensor Board

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