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MMA7660FC 三轴加速计评估板



发表于 2016-5-23 13:54:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Freescale公司的MMA7660FC是±1.5 g三轴数字输出I2C的加速度计,是非常低功耗,小型容性MEMS传感器,具有低通滤波器,用于0g和增益误差的补偿以及用户可配置的转换成6位数值.模拟工作电压2.4V-3.6V数字工作电压1.71V到3.6V,可进行三轴取向/运动的检测,广泛用于手机,PMP和PDA,便携式PC的防盗,游戏中的运动检测,自动叫醒和数码相机。特性RD3803MMA7660FC includes:
  • Communication board containing an NXP MCU and USB interface which enables the communication with a PC       
  • Accelerometer daughterboard with MMA7660FC accelerometer       
  • Graphical user interface (GUI) for demonstrating all integrated accelerometer features as well as software routines for specific applications.       
  • USB connector       
  • Sensor CD containing pertinent application notes, datasheets, software and sensor links
KIT3803MMA7660FC Includes:
  • Accelerometer DIP board with MMA7660FC accelerometer       
  • Sensor CD containing pertinent application notes, datasheets, software and sensor linksFC development kit that includes the daughterboard along with the MCU communicator board.

MMA7660FC Datasheet.pdf

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