OM13515是一款基于PCF85063AT 芯片的I²C总线RTC演示板。
- The OM13515 allows easily demonstrating the operation of the PCx85063A with I²C-bus interface
- No need to solder the tiny package to a breadboard 100 mil connector for straight forward connections
- To visualize the interrupt an LED (D1) is mounted. To minimize the power consumption it can be switched off by removing the jumper J2
- Straight forward interfacing:
- Connect supply voltage (e.g. 3.3 V): VSS to pin 1, VDD to pin 2
- Connect I²C-bus (pull-up resistor needed): SCL to pin 4, SDA to pin 3
- Connect interrupt and/or CLKOUT if required
- Communicate with the RTC
PCF85063ATL是一款CMOS实时时钟(RTC)和日历,最适合低功耗应用。偏移寄存器允许对时钟进行精细调整。所有地址和数据都可通过两线路双向I²C总线串行传输。最大数据速率为400 kbit/s. 寄存器地址会在每次写入或读取数据字节后自动递增。
- 基于32.768 kHz石英晶体提供年、月、日、周、时、分和秒
- 时钟工作电压:0.9 V至5.5 V
- 低电流:典型值为0.27 μA(VDD = 3.0 V且Tamb = 25 °C时)
- 400 kHz双线路I²C总线接口(VDD = 1.8 V至5.5 V时)
- 外设器件的可编程时钟输出(32.768 kHz、16.384 kHz、8.192 kHz、4.096 kHz、2.048 kHz、1.024 kHz和1 Hz)
- CL = 7 pF或CL = 12.5 pF的可选集成式振荡器负载电容
- 报警功能
- 倒数计时器
- 分钟和半分钟中断
- 内部上电复位(POR)
- 用于频率调节的可编程偏移寄存器
- 数码照相机
- 数码摄像机
- 打印机
- 复印机
- 移动设备
- 电池供电设备