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    发表于 2015-4-16 14:59:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    独家1.38“圆TFT LCD该uLCD-220RD是一种独特的1.38“圆角LCD智能显示模块,搭载了4D systems的DIABLO16图形处理器。该uLCD-220RD是专为如仪表和工具开发,还有一些特殊应用,如机器人等。驱动显示器和外设的是DIABLO16处理器,一个功能非常强大的芯片,能够独立运作,采用了4D Systems Workshop的4个IDE软件编程。The Workshop IDE使图形解决方案迅速且轻松,因为它的设计是只为四维的图形处理器构建。显示模块具有一系列的功能,包括PWM,micro-SD存储存储,通用I/ O,包括模拟输入,多重TTL串口,I2C和SPI通道正交输入,脉冲输出和多毫秒定时器等。该uLCD-220RD设有30路2.54mm节距插针头。它还具有一个10路2.54mm节距插针头,这在4D Systems的显示模块中很常见,并用于使用编程电缆和适配器与我们Workshop4 IDE模块编程。如果你正在对你的项目进行独特的研究,也许是汽车仪表仪器或拨号,甚至是机器人头部,没有比4D systems uLCD-220RD圆TFT LCD智能显示模块更合适的了。特性:
    • Powerful 1.38” Intelligent LCD-TFT display module powered by DIABLO16.       
    • 220 x 220 Resolution (Round), RGB 65K true to life colours with LED Backlight.       
    • Easy 5 pin interface to any TTL Serial Host:
      • VCC, TX, RX, GND, RESET
    • 6 banks of 32750 bytes of Flash memory for User Application Code and Data       
    • 32Kb of SRAM purely for the User.       
    • 16 General Purpose I/O pins for user interfacing, which include 4 configurable Analog Inputs.       
    • The GPIO is variously configurable for alternative functions such as:
                  3x I2C channels available                     1x SPI dedicated for SD Card and 3x configurable SPI channels available                     1x dedicated and 3x configurable TTL Serial comm ports available
    • Up to 6 GPIO can be used as Pin Counters       
    • Up to 6 GPIO for PWM (simple and Servo)       
    • Up to 10 GPIO for Pulse Output       
    • Up to 14 GPIO can be configured for Quadrature Encoder Inputs (2 channels)       
    • On-board micro-SD memory card connector for multimedia storage and data logging purposes.       
    • DOS compatible file access (FAT16 format) as well as low level access to card memory.       
    • Dedicated filtered PWM Audio pin driven by WAV files from micro-SD card, and external amplifier enable pin allows easy connection to an external amplifier for audio playback.       
    • Display full colour images, animations, icons and video clips on chosen 4D Systems display.       
    • Supports all available Windows fonts.       
    • 4.0V to 5.5V range operation (single supply).       
    • Module dimensions: 42.4 x 46.9 x 14.1mm       
    • Weight ~15 g.       
    • Display Viewing Area: Round 35.1mm Diam       
    • RoHS Compliant.       
    • CE Compliant.


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