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    发表于 2015-4-17 10:46:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    LPC54102传感器处理/运动控制解决方案,是由恩智浦及其合作伙伴制定的,在你开发一个永远在线的传感器处理的产品时,去提供所有你需要的。该解决方案结合LPC54102板和传感器屏蔽板(SSB),以及应用软件和Bosch Sensortec的传感器融合软件,来提供永远在线的传感器处理的一个高效的平台。特性:
    • LPC54102 MCU in an LQFP64 package       
    • Built-in Link2 high-speed USB based debug probe and option for an external debug probe       
    • Tri-color LED, target Reset, ISP and WAKE buttons       
    • On-board regulators for 1.8 V or 3.3 V supply or external power supply options       
    • Built-in MCU power consumption, sensor board and supply voltage measurement       
    • UART, I²C and SPI port bridging from LPC54102 target to USB via Link2 device       
    • Sensor Shield Board Bosch Sensortec sensors: BMI055 inertial measurement unit BMC150 digital compass, BMM150 magnetometer and BMP280 pressure/temperature sensor       
    • Murata ZPA2326 pressure sensor       
    • MAX44000 ambient light and proximity sensor       
    • ACKme AMS0002 Bluetooth LE module       
    • IR remote control transmitter/receiver       
    • Dual Knowles digital microphones       
    • Headers for easy prototyping of additional SPI and I²C sensors       
    • Supported by NXP Sensor Framework and Bosch Sensortec BSX Lite sensor fusion library, available for free download at www.lpcware.com (subject to license terms and conditions)


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