MPU-60X0是世界上第一个集成的6轴MotionTracking设备并且在一个小的4x4x0.9mm封装结合了3轴陀螺仪,3轴加速计和一个数字运动处理器™(DMP)。凭借其专用I2C总线的传感器,它直接接受来自外部的3轴罗盘的投入来提供了完整的9轴MotionFusion™输出。该MPU-60X0 MotionTracking装置,其6轴整合,板载MotionFusion™和运行时间校准的固件,使制造商能够排除昂贵和复杂的选择,资格和系统级集成分立器件,保证最佳运动性能的消费者。主控-60X0还设计有多个非惯性接口数字传感器,例如压力传感器,在其辅助I2C端口。该MPU-60X0是兼容MPU-30X0系列。Features:
- Digital-output of 6- or 9-axis MotionFusion data in rotation matrix, quaternion, Euler Angle, or raw-data format
- Tri-Axis angular-rate sensor (gyro) with a sensitivity up to 131 LSBs/dps and a full-scale range of ±250, ±500, ±1000, and ±2000dps
- Tri-Axis accelerometer with a programmable full-scale range of ±2g, ±4g, ±8g and ±16g
- Reduced settling effects and sensor drift by elimination of board-level cross-axis alignment errors between accelerometers and gyroscopes
- Digital Motion Processing™ (DMP™) engine offloads complex MotionFusion, sensor-timing synchronization and gesture detection