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Propeller Board



发表于 2015-7-6 10:36:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
评估原板符合多核 Propeller微控制器的强大功能。内置的外设集令它准备支持由项目,原型,动手活动,以及套件组成的一个惊人的组合。评估板是理想的学习电子,编程和机器人技术的基础知识。它也简化需要RF链接的通信,音频/视频外设和SD存储千兆字节的高级应用。评估板集成多核Propeller微控制器组成了一个强有力的平台进行简单的原型和学习电子,编程和机器人技术的基础知识。Features:
  • Built-in Propeller microcontroller, 64 KBEEPROM and 5 MHz crystal oscillator.       
  •  Breadboard, sockets for power and I/O access, and six servo ports with powerselect jumpers for easy prototyping       
  •  Automatically selects between USB and external power sources and provides USB over-current protection       
  •  9 V battery and center-positive 2.1 mm power connectors offer two external power options       
  •  Convenient reset button and 3-position power switch       
  •  Onboard mini stereo-audio jack, electret microphone, and VGA port for audio/visual projects       
  •  Built-in microSD card and XBee wireless module sockets simplify advanced applications       
  •  Dedicated analog header sockets provide three 10-bit inputs and two buffered variable-resolution outputs       
  •  2x20 header for connecting I/O pins to VGA, XBee, Propeller clock and reset, USB serial flow control, and up to 10 LEDs       
  •  Indicator lights for system power, servo power, eight color-coded VGA channels, two analog output levels, XBee Tx/Rx, and USB Tx/Rx       
  •  SEPIC 5 V switching regulator can deliver up to 3 A across the commercial temperature range       
  •  Linear 3.3 V regulator can deliver up to 460 mA at room temperature

Propeller Board of Education .pdf

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