Embedded Pi是树莓派,Arduino的32位嵌入式ARM三合一平台。将所有的三个社区融合在一起,Embedded Pi帮助您在每个平台都能收获最大。Embedded Pi是基于意法半导体STM32F103 MCU,并且可用作树莓派和Arduino板卡之间的操作桥梁和在独立模式也可作为Cortex-M3的评估板。Feature:
- Provides Raspberry Pi with easy access to abundant ArduinoTM shields.
- Compatible with both 5V and 3.3V ArduinoTM shields, selectable with jumpers
- Hundreds of ArduinoTM shields available on the market enhance the control capability of Raspberry Pi, e.g. to control Motor, sensors, etc.
- Brings 32-bit ARM MCU into the world of ArduinoTM
- 32-bit ARM Cortex-M3 STM32F103 MCU operating at 72MHz, with 128KB Flash, 20KB RAM, motor control, USB, and CAN
- Hundreds of ArduinoTM shields available on the market with extremely portable drivers provided or to be shared by CooCox and CoFans
- A complete set of FREE CooCox tools for ARM development
- A common footprint next to ArduinoTM footprint for connection with expansion daughter cards which will be developed by CooCox
- Raspberry Pi and the STM32 MCU can work independently or in conjunction with each other to control the ArduinoTM shields or other accessories.