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TI LMV221功率检测评估板

  • TA的每日心情
    2013-9-2 09:06
  • 签到天数: 11 天

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    发表于 2014-11-5 09:31:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    LMV221对数功率检测器评估板简化直流输出电压的测试,此输出电压是由LMV221对于RF信号的响应而产生。此开发板可以做为高频率设计的指南,也可以做为应用测试性能的工具。This evaluation board is designed to aid in the characterization of National Semiconductor`s LMV221 Logarithmic Power Detector. This board simplifies the measurement of the DC output voltage that the LMV221 produces in response to the power level of the RF signal applied to the RF input. Use the evaluation board as a guide for high frequency layout and as a tool to aid in device testing and characterization.

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