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Odyssey MAX 10 FPGA and BLE 传感器套件



发表于 2015-7-27 10:21:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Odyssey套件特色包括MAX 10 FPGA和BLE传感器板的组合,全部打包在一个小(6.4×1.0平方毫米)28引脚DIP。 FPGA的直接接口开关,麦克风,LED灯,用户I / O,并可以通过BLE模块的I2C接口。BLE模块直接接口一个加速计,温度/湿度传感器,距离/心率/光/血液血氧饱和度传感器,和USB单片机。Odyssey MAX 10 FPGA Board Feature:

  • Uses a non-volatile Altera MAX 10 FPGA       
  • Full access to all MAX 10 FPGA features, including:
    • Dual-configuration: MAX 10 FPGAs provide a single-on-die Flash memory that supports dual-configuration, for true fail-safe upgrades.       
    • Analog Blocks: Integrated analog blocks feature a temperature-sensing diode and an analog-to-digital converter (ADC).       
    • Instant-on: MAX 10 FPGAs can be the first usable device on a system board to control bring-up of high-density FPGAs, ASICs, ASSPs, and processors.       
    • DSP blocks: As a non-volatile FPGA with DSP, MAX 10 FPGAs are ideal for high-performance, high-precision DSP applications.
  • Access to powerful soft IP such as the NIOS II 32-bit embedded processor       
  • DIP form factor with Arduino shield expansion compatibility       
  • Microphone, LEDs and switches for user input and output       
  • Sensor expansion through I2C compatible interface
 BLE Sensor Feature:
  • Broadcom Bluetooth® SMART (BLE) connectivity module       
  • Silicon Labs UV and ambient light, proximity, heart rate, and blood oximetry sensor       
  • Silicon Labs temperature and humidity sensor       
  • Analog Devices Accelerometer       
  • Silicon Labs low-power USB-enabled EFM32 Gecko microcontroller       
  • Sensor expansion through I2C compatible interface

Odyssey MAX 10 FPGA and BLE Sensor Kit User_Guide_.pdf

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