英蓓特SBC6000X是采用Atmel公司的微处理器AT91SAM9261S具有低功耗和高可靠性的嵌入式单板计算机。该板是一个紧凑的电路板与各种外设接口,包括USB主机/设备,以太网,LCD/触摸屏,串行端口,键盘,音响,SPI,SD和总线。这是外围接口的ESD保护。该主板能够同时支持的Windows CE6.0和Linux2.6.24操作系统和英蓓特提供BSP包,用户手册和其他一些工具和文档,帮助客户更好地了解这款主板。用户可以使用Microsoft EVC或提供的Linux工具链发展,加快产品上市时间。Feature:
- Dimensions: 106.4mm x 96mm
- Working temperature: -10~70 Celsius
- Power supply: +12V
- Power output interface: +5V and Vin (±5%)
- Atmel AT91SAM9261S (ARM926EJ-S core with MMU capable of 200MHz operation)
- 64Mbyte SDRAM (2*16-bit, support up to 128Mbyte)
- 128Mbyte Nand Flash (support up to 256Mbyte)
- 2Kbit EEPROM
- 4/8Mbyte DataFlash (bootable, Reserved for soldering)
- 1 2*20-pin LCD interface
- Touch panel (4-channel 12-bit ADC)
- 1 SPI interface
- 1 10M/100M Ethernet interface (RJ45)
- 3 serial ports (COM0: 3-wire Debug serial port, COM1: 5-wire RS232/TTL serial port, COM2: 5-wire RS232/TTL/RS485 serial port)
- 2 USB host and 1 USB device
- 4 x 4 keyboard interface
- Audio Input/Output Jacks
- RTC (battery backed)
- SD card socket
- LED (CPU working station indicator)
- 3 Buttons (two for user defined, one for Reset)
- 1 Power switch
- 16 GPIOs (10 from CPU, 6 from extension)
- BUS interface (with buffer)