A10S是全志新的处理器并且得到以太网和HDMI的支持。除A10S的基于Cortex-A8 频率为1GHz的板拥有512MB RAM+100MB的以太网+ USB主机/ USB-OTG+ SD卡+ SD-MMC卡+ HDMI被释放。它可以作为一个媒体中心,一般Android设备或通用Linux设备。FEATURES
- A10S Cortex-A8 processor at 1GHz, 3D Mali400 GPU, NEON
- 512MB RAM
- USB High-speed host with power control and current limiter
- USB-OTG with power control and current limiter
- HDMI output with ESD protectors
- 100MBit native Ethernet
- Audio Line-input
- Audio Headphones output
- UEXT connector
- LCD connector to work with 4.3, 7.0, 10.1" LCD modules from Olimex
- 50 GPIOs on three GPIO connectors
- MicroSD card connector
- SD/MMC card connector
- DEBUG-UART connector for console debug with USB-SERIAL-CABLE-F
- Power LED
- 2KB EEPROM for MAC address and other storage
- 5 BUTTONS with ANDROID functionality + BOOT/REC and POWER buttons
- Microphone input on connector (not populated)
- Composite TV-output on connector (not populated)
- JTAG-DEBUG connector (not populated)
- UART1 connector (not populated)
- +5V input power supply, noise immune design
- 4 mounting holes
- Dimensions: (4000 x 3200) mils ~ (101.6 x 81.28) mm