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ISP Wi-Fi模块编程器

  • TA的每日心情
    2013-9-2 09:06
  • 签到天数: 11 天

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    发表于 2014-9-25 09:08:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    The RN-ISP provides a simple In-System Programming interface for products and devices incorporating Roving Networks Wi-Fi modules and SoC.  It allows the user to download code to WiFly modules and debug them.  The RN-ISP downloads code to the WiFly evaluation boards using either a 16 or 10-pin debug header.  The RN-ISP measures current consumption and plots the power profiles of the WiFly modules in different power states.  It also exposes the hardware signals and certain GPIO pins for debugging.The RN-ISP easily connects to a computer with a USB interface and to the target hardware with a standard 16-pin debug interface.  The target hardware may be powered by the USB port of the computer.  The RN-ISP also includes reset and wake buttons to help with debugging applications.Features

      • Provides interface between the Linux development computer and the module       
      • Contains on-board reset switch to reset application on the target module       
      • Contains on-board wake switch to force awake the application from sleep state       
      • Provides a number of test points and hooks for connecting oscilloscope and/or multimeter for debug purposes


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