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MultiLink HC08仿真工具

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    2013-9-2 09:06
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    发表于 2014-9-12 14:16:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    MultiLink HC08仿真工具是一款使用简单,低功耗的开发工具,可用于开发Freescale 68HC08系列MCU。The MON08 Multilink is an easy-to-use, low-cost development tool for Freescale's 68HC08 flash MCUs. The MON08 Multilink provides in-circuit emulation, debugging and programming through the 68HC08's standard MON08 serial debug/breakpoint interface.

    Features that help make the MON08 Multilink a versatile, time-saving tool include the following:
    • Universal development tool for all MON08 68HC08s       
    • Real-time in-circuit debug through MON08 interface       
    • Fast in-circuit programming       
    • Auto-detects baud rate and frequency       
    • Provides optional overdrive clock to target       
    • Small unobtrusive size (approx. 3" x 2" x 3/4")       
    • Supports 2 to 5.5-volt 68HC08s       
    • USB-to-MON08 interface       
    • Automatically cycles power for security checks (up to 125 mA)

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